The Pall Mall Gazette Of July 19th Published A Letter
from a Paris correspondent who professes to give details of a fresh plot to upset the Republic. The three parties who wish for a Caesar—that is, the Monarchists, the......
News Of The Week.
T HE war news during the week cannot be said to have been very satisfactory, for the telegrams indicate that the Boers are showing renewed activity in the Colony. A train has......
The Elections For The French Councils-general, Which Play...
Prefects of Departments the part which the Chambers play towards the general Executive, have gone en- tirely in favour of the Republicans, who have gained 80 seats and lost 33.......
It Is Not Necessary For Us To Summarise The Speeches
made at the Asquith dinner on Friday week, for the function became something very like a fiasco owing to the fact that in the afternoon, and only some three or four hours before......
According To The Times Correspondent In Paris, The French...
Orders, which at first intended to submit to the new law on Associations, have now resolved to resist. They have been convinced that submission would injure their prestige; they......
We Congratulate Lord Cromer Most Heartily On His Eleva- Tion
to the rank of Earl,—the most ancient, the most picturesque, and the most thoroughly English of all our titles. No man ever deserved the honour better. Not only has he done a......