King Alfred's Jewel. — Mr. Elliot Stock has sent us a re-
production of the well-known Alfred Jewel. We need not apologise for mentioning it in these columns. The jewel was found, in 1693, not far from Athelney. That it is genuine, no one, we believe, doubts; for what special pur- pose it was intended is uncertain. Various suggestions have been made on this subject; one distinctly attractive conjecture is that it was the handle of the nstel or staff which accompanied the copy of Pope Gregory's Pastoralis which the King sent to every Bishop in his realm. John, Abbot of Athelney, had helped in the production of this work, and may have received this as an acknowledgment. Possibly it was buried, for security's sake, when the Abbey was dissolved. The figure has been supposed to represent St. Neot. The reproduction may be had in various materials from £13 13s. to El le.