On Wednesday Lord Reay made an important speech before a
Committee of the Hague Conference, and expressed the desire of Great Britain to abandon the conception of contra- band. Only. tact had prevented grave consequences arising from the disputes during the Russo-Japanese War. The British Government were convinced that liberty must be given to neutral trade. The effects would be entirely in the interests of peace and justice. The German delegate con- sidered the seizure of contraband absolutely lawful, and even necessary. Contraband was a violation of neutrality, and as neutral States could not .prevent such violation, belligerents must enforce the rule of contraband in their own interests. If the light of capture were abolished, the seizure of contra- band would be more than ever necessary. The German pro. posals on the subject provided against injustice to non- belligerents. The French delegate reserved his opinions, and the discussion was adjourned till next Friday.