The Latest Of The Series Of "handbooks Of Practical...
Edited by Harry Roberts (John Lane, 2s. 6d. net), is The Book of the Chrysanthemum, by Percy Penwell. The chrysanthemum, which is the national emblem of Japan, seems, like many......
Mawr Crosses. By P. M. C. Kermode. (i3emrose And Sons.
63s. net.)—Mr. Kermode has devoted himself to the study of Manic crosses for many years. He published a catalogue of them in 1887, revising and enlarging this work five years......
To Messrs. Methuen And Co.'s "little Guides" Has Been Added
North Wales, by Alfred T. Story (2s. Od. net). The arrangement, we may remind our readers, is to give introductory chapters Oh. boundaries, physical features, flora and fauna,......
Whispers From The Fleet. By Captain Christopher Cradock,...
and Co. 4s. 6d. net.)—Captain Cradock believes that sea- manship will survive all the changes introduced by mechanical progress, and writes this book to supply some practical......
The Story Of The Homes. By William J. Taylor. (200
tustoe Road, London.)—The "London Female Preventive Reformatory Institution" completed its fiftieth year in Sane last. The story of its work is told in this volume,' which also......
English Miracle Plays And Moralities. By E. Hamilton...
and Hughes. 3s. 6d. net.)—" The Miracle Play," says Mr. Moore, "Caine into being when the Bible was a closed book." It was wanted because the religious services of the day,......
England And America, 1763 - 1783. By Mary A. M. Marks. 2
vols. (Brown, Langhain, and Co. 30s. net.)—Miss Marks tells the story of the strife of parties in England and of the war which ended in the acknowledgment of American......
My Life Ds Tin Indian. By J. W. Schultz. (john
Murray. 6e. net.)—The pseudonym of "W. B. Anderson" is perhaps not unfamiliar to readers of "Forest and Stream." Mr. Schultz, now that the links which connect the day of the......