27 JULY 1907, page 14
(to Try Editor Op The "spectator."] Sr,—in Your Last Week's
article on "Old-Age Pensions" you give convincing reasons why they will have less effect ih reducing the Poor-rate than is popularly supposed. I would venture to go a step......
Fto Thr Editor Of Tiir "spectator."] Sir,—by The Issue Of
wages stamps a huge reserve fund could be amassed to meet the proposal to find 5s. weekly pensions to workpeople on attaining sixty years. Workmen making less than E1 a week......
1 - T0 Tun Editor Of The " Scemator."1 Sin,—in The Valuable
and illuminating article on "Old-Age Pensions" in last week's Spectator it is very forcibly pointed out that "the proper plan is a compulsory system of insurance against old......