The Wesleyan Conference has been in session during the past
week, and the country has once more had first-hand evidence of how world-wide and how strong is the great spiritual organisa- tion founded by John Wesley. The Wesleyan Church is essentially an Imperial body. Wherever there are British settlers, and wherever also there is a British army, there the Wesleyans are certain to be represented. This fact hair always prevented the Society from having a parochial outlook. Mr. Perks, M.P., on Saturday last made an interesting atate- meat as to the coat of the new Church House. The West- minster site, to begin with, bad cost 2360,000. A. part bad been sold for £200,000, and there was land valued at E100,000 still for sale. This, however, left them with an ample site on which to build at a cost of only 260,000. The value of the reserve site was in reality 2225,000. If Mr. Perks is not too optimistic, the Wesleyans made an exceedingly good bargain when they bought the Aquarium.