27 JULY 1956, Page 27

Sharing Bird Cottage

!1Y now Miss Len Howard must be as unpopu- Lar with the mechanistic scientific school, who 'told that birds and animals are activated by fliothing but conditioned reflexes, as she is in ,avour with those who are aware that crea- tures other than man possess powers of fore- Lutotight, reason and discrimination which can °Y no means be explained away by glib and 8,111aerficial laboratory theorising. But apart "in quietly grinding, by unarguable ex- a.rnPles, this deserving axe, Miss Howard, in Living With Birds (Collins, 15s.), mentions many amusing and interesting findings and experiences drawn from her almost uncomfort- ably intimate life with the birds and other creatures who have allowed her to share Bird Cottage with them for so many years.