Country Life
BY IAN NIALL IN the course of excursions into the hills to fish I frequently see numbers of brown hares, but when I first came to this part of Wales where the terrain is not......
Carnations, and some pinks, can be propagated by layering, although the latter are perhaps best increased by making cuttings. Non-flowering shoots are selected and a slit made......
The Formal Garden
MR. DAVID GREEN has written a fascinating Recount of the life and times of Henry Wise: G. ardener to Queen Anne (0.U.P., 70$.) has l . „lisf the right amount of personal history......
Erratum. In `pensions For The Self- E Mployed' (p. 121 In
last week's Spectator) the , imount of total life funds given in para. 3 should have read £3,500,000.......
Sharing Bird Cottage
! 1 Y now Miss Len Howard must be as unpopu- Lar with the mechanistic scientific school, who ' t old that birds and animals are activated by f li othing but conditioned......
Bit Ryan Eel
'You remember Bob what used to live at the far end yonder?' said the old man. 'Short. thickset chap, he was. Got half his face an' lip off, he bad.' No one seemed to call him to......
A Carefree Dog
When he came racing up behind me with what was surely a broad smile on his face, I might have known that our acquaintanceship would not prosper. He was the sort of collie that......
The Case Of Tanner When I Saw Ludovic Kennedy's Murder
Story performed I thought it, in spite of some criticisms of detail, an effective dramatic plea against a barbarous social institution. Based on the Bentley and Craig case, its......
BY PHILIDOR No 60. R. BURGER (1st Prize, American Chess Bellew 1955) BLACK (7 men) WHITE to play and WHITE (11 men) mate in two moves; solution next week. A num ber of solvers......