27 JULY 1956, page 25
The Mutiny That Failed
C ONSPIRACY AMONG GENERALS. By Wilhelm von Schramm. Trans- lated by R. T. Clark. (George Allen and Unwin, 16s.) S tinsiotARv, but of vital importance, to the Officers' Plot of......
Tossing A Philosopher
THE MIND OF SANTAYANA. By Richard Butler, OP. (Rout.e_ 1 dg C and Kegan Paul, 2 Is.) Of THERE is much for, and against, this book. It is a product intelligence, admirable......
New Novels
,LoRENcE has appeared in novels so often that when it turns up in fiction yet again it may very likely appear—rather as the Tuscan l andscape is apt to look, at first sight,......