/110.N EY :MARKET.
st•rt..1, I •• • ••••:,:r., FRIDAY
'flue Money Market has not presented any. iniprovial appearance since our last report. Some to inisicrit gleams of sunshine have enlivened us occasionally, but they have been of short (halation; and the price of Spanish Stork, although it
has Isien as high as 4:1, has :igair, declinool to 40. 'the political intelligence from Spain is favourable; and it (NA., let appear that the Carlists have recently
obtained ;Inv v advantages; but the great blow given to speculation, by the recent decline in the Stock, :inol the quantity of it which still oppresses the
market, has prevented any ill the price ; and will, we thiiik, w,ierate layout:11,k upon the quotations far -awe time lontger. There is, Iii,wever, a great inclination in the ;midi,. generally to purchase Spanish Bonds ; and the th Itnartions of the week have been entirely for money, scarcely a single specu- lative hit g uiu having ()centred. 1'4 aingitese Stock has oleclined in a greater degree than Sp mist ; and the character of the market has been the saine, the remarks just made upon the one Stock are equally applicable to the other. The English Stork Alarket has been in an unusual stoat. of stagnation ; money, however, ems- tholes in demand ; and Exchequer Bills aro heavy at a premium of from 2,, to 27. The determinatiffil expressed by the Govetroment to support the calls,, of the CLI h.finos ill spaitt. has, by exciting fears of it collision between this country and the oithern l'owers, produced a decline in Consols. For the Saint! 1015011, 0.1,17'111.w Iv, some sales have lwen diet-ti I in Russian Bonds; but the price of these securities has maintained itself, and the present quotation is 10s.'.. The South .1nan *lean markets are in a depressed state, with the exception of the Brazilian, which continues at our last quotations. The Shares are neglected, except those of the Bolanos and Canada Company; to the latter of which the recent meeting has directed attentiou.
SATIal Tw'F. Ler o'C Notting vvorthy of remark has occurred this morning., our transactions having been quite unimportant. Consols are ; and the improvement in the price of Spanish Stock in the Dutch and French mat bets, his caused a trilling ad- vance in fortes Bonds, which are at -10.1 -II. The South American Stocks are at yesterday's quotations.
rent. Consols
3 oer C g lint I tato for .1eostunt 91; New per Cent. Amatitie ; shut Bank Stock
India Stool: Mr Aecount sees2-6 28
tho•heipoo.r Bills Belgian 5 per Cents. ex. div Brazilian it per Cents 521 S3
Danish 3 per Cents 7(f 77
Dutch 21 per Cents Freud' 3 per Cents
Oreek, I4g5. 5 per Cents
Mexivan r per cents. Port sigoese 5 per Cent • Do. Regeney Set ip,3 per Cent Russian, Is22, 5 per Cent Spanish. 1521, 5 per Cent Ditto New Scrip 5 Cent
53j i 3G 37
S I 10-1 401 41 Is 17 die.