A Notice Has Beyn Issued In The Parish Of St.
George, Hanover Square, that the Trustees under what is called the " Grosvenor Local A notice has beyn issued in the parish of St. George, Hanover Square, that the Trustees......
In The Coma Of Common Pleas, On Monday, Alr. Martin,
the artist, obtaimal a verdict and )5/. damages from Alr. Brooke, a printsdler, tOr calling pirated copies of Alartin's " Belshazzar's Feast," "Deluge," :nut " of Ninna h." It......
The election of Sheriff's for the City of London took place on Wed- nesday, Alidsummer-day; whAi Mr. Alderman Lainson and Mr. David Salomons teem chosen. Several persons......
On Tuesday, The Reverend James Sevencroft Blomfield, Late...
and cousin to the Bishop of London, was charged before I )r. Robinson, one of the Tottenham ALigistrates, with stealing a pair of gold spectacle's, and obtaining money on false......
Chr Country.
A meeting of the North Lancashire Conservatives was held at Preston on Alonday. Very great surmise was expressed at the con- tents of Lord Stanley 's letter to Sir Thomas......