The election of Sheriff's for the City of London took place on Wed- nesday, Alidsummer-day; whAi Mr. Alderman Lainson and Mr. David Salomons teem chosen. Several persons objected to Mr. Salomons, on the ground of his being a Jew ; the Livery generally, however, scouted the objections. Alr. Sidemen's is the first gentleman of the .ktvish persuasion who has been elected to the shrievalty of London. In his speech of thanks for his election, he said— Ile had been Mottled to e, fir himself to the Livery for the purpose of exhi- ioiting iu his own person the mogress which sound Liberal principles were na,a;e:g is ibis country. His grandfather, in 17'20, twos born in the City of London'. Flom that period to the present time, his fatarly and himself had re- sided and carri, dun a large commercial establishment there ; and he defied any man living to point his finger at any one cireumstanee in the ecimmacial or private character of either which could subject them to the slightest imputation of ..
The Committee of the Protestant Society for the Protection of Religious Liberty met at the King's Head, Poultry, on Monday; Dr. Baldwin Browne in the chair,—and adopted resolutions unani- mon-ly in favour of the Alunicipal Reform Bill and the amendment of the Irish Church. They also resolved, " that, understanding Govern- ment are of opinion that the postponement, during this session, of the consideration of the wishes of Dissenters as to a national civil registra- tion of births, marriages, and deaths—as to church-rates—as to Dis- senters' marriages—and as to their admission into the Universities_ will facilitate the success of the Irish Church and .Municipal Reform, they defer to that opinion, on receiving a public assurance from the Government that they will early next session bring forward, officially, measures for the relief of Dissenters as to civil registration and mar- riages, as %yell as to church-rates."
Upwards of seventy gentlemen holding the situation of' Town-Clerks assembled, on Monday, at the British Coffeehouse, for the purpose of preparing their petition against Lord John Russell's Bill. A demita. time waited upon Sir Robert Peel, to request lie would present the 1.11111e, MO endeavour to procure for them a hearing at the bar of the Mouse of Commons.
A nett- steam-e ariage was tried on Saturday, setting out from West- minster Bridge end returning thither, after visiting Denmark Ilill, and Dulwich. The di-tance, twelve miles, vets performed in forty-one minutes.