Jr.7 Cocnevxe Has Also Been Busy, And We Exrest To
some pun; pose. The two publications lass has sent us we had neither space ta indicts nor time to read ; but we have begun both, and from that beginning can recommend them. 1)r.......
Lord Brougham's Discourse Of Natural Theology.
THERE was a class of sophists in classical times, who undertook to give a set talk extempore upon any given subject, and often upon any given side. Of the character and......
Front Messrs. S. Um - Was And Utley We Have Received The
first volume of M. DE TOCQUEVI L LE ' S DP/tMentry iii .linerica, trans-. lated by Itestev Rseve, Esq. We have got no further than the translator's Preface; which is written in......
Fine Arts.
EGYPTIAN ANTIQU Tim other day, we saw the remains of Egyptian magnificence that are above ground, in the temples of Thebes, at Burtromes Psn wama: this week, we have been......
The. Progress Of Publication,
Tins week, has been chiefly confined to publications either of Marl: or of likeliho d. mr. BENTLEy has sent forth flair works; but must be content for the present with the......
The Last Arrival Is Front Messrs. Iv 11 Ittaker ' S :
Miss ROTIERTS:S Scum-side Companion, or Marine Natural History. The publis. ration is seasonable, and the getting-up beautiful ; and from some impressions of this lady's other......