On Tuesday, the Reverend James Sevencroft Blomfield, late of Aldborough,
and cousin to the Bishop of London, was charged before I)r. Robinson, one of the Tottenham ALigistrates, with stealing a pair of gold spectacle's, and obtaining money on false pretences front various parties. The spectacles belonged to Alr. Charles Douglas, of Clare- mont Square, Pentonville ; upon whom the prisoner had called to ask for subscriptions for a work on the Cape of Good Hope, which he intended to publish. After his departure, the spectacles were missed ; and it was proved that the prisoner had taken and pawned them. It was !MM.(' that he had obtained numerous small sums, by way of sub, uript ion to his book. and had spent them; but there was also evi- dence to prove that he really was engaged on such a work. The Ma- gistrate committed him few trial, on the charge of stealing the spec- tacle,.
At the Queen Square Office, on Thursday. Mr. Anthony Charles Fereers, a re halve of Earl Ferrers, was committed to Tothill-fields Prison, in default of bail, for being drunk and disorderly in the New Cut, Lambeth. Alr. Ferrers was very fashionably dressed ; and he appeared to think that sufficient regard was not paid to his noble blood.