In the Coma of Common Pleas, on Monday, Alr. Martin,
the artist, obtaimal a verdict and )5/. damages from Alr. Brooke, a printsdler, tOr calling pirated copies of Alartin's " Belshazzar's Feast," "Deluge," :nut " of Ninna h." It was stated for Mr. Martin, That he tea, the inventor of a new style of mezzotint engraving : instead of
I nitig lois gronnalwoirk in black equally all over the plate, he made it lighter for darker is th‘osc part- in which lie intended to bring light anal shade to bear with
most effect ; and he also introdnced hard lines in those parts in which lee wished
to input bridrawv to the subject. This style required increased labour :itch
time to N. to it, whilst the imitative copies could be produced with touch treater faciho v. :mil they to aok: a vety infetior appearance. The Lett, r had the ninne of a diffident engraver on the plate; and, by having the subi_oct stated in fiench, professed to have been engraved in France.
The defence was, that none of the copies had been :actually sold.
The action of Mr. Gully against the Ayr, which was to have been tried in the I 'ommon Pleas, coal which WAS brought to recover damages for a slanderous chaige against the plaintiff of Unfair practiecs at the Dormer-ter races. was withdrawn, in coesequence of the insertion of an apology to Ale. Gully in the Ayr of last Sunday.
The Court was employed during the greater part of Thursday out the trial of an :lotion brought by the Reverend Mr. Birch, S011 of
Amerman Ditch, and Rector of West Hackney, against his curate, the Reverend Mr. Neale, fur criminal intercourse with Mrs. Birch. It appeared that AR'. Neale is a widower, and has one child. Ile was a popular and powerful preacher. Alr. Birch treated him with great
kindness ; and he became very tioniliar lit his house, and with 31t-s.
Birch. According to the statement of Mr. Birch's servants, he took the opportuoity of their master's journey to Cambridge, in the month of June IS:13, to seduce AIN. Birch ; and on the first night of the criminal intercourse, Ile rind prayers with the jimily before they retired to bed ; being at that time domiciled in 3Ir. Birch's house, few the protection of the family in the absence of the master. The evidence of the servants proved the guilt of' the parties; but 31 r. Birch, out his return, would not believe them ; and he continued to employ Mr.
Neale, and lived with his wife till the November following, when he separated from her. Soon after his requiem he received a letter fr)111 Alr. Neale, vi ritten from 13iddentlen, where the latter had been preach- ing. 'Ibis epistle was couched in terms of affection towards his (Neale's) late wife, who was buried at Biddenden ; and Mr. Neale pre- tended to have been so much affected by the recollection that he could hardly get through the service. The counsel for the plaintiff dwelt on
the gross hypocrisy of this letter to the husband of the women whom he had .just seduced. Mrs. Birch attempted to drown herself in August last ; but was taken out of the water, and recovered. She is note living at Holloway; and her two children live smnetimes with her, and some- times with Alr. Birch. Sir F. Pollock, on behalf of Mr. Neale, positively denied the crime charged upon him ; but no evidence was adduced on his behalf. One of the witnesses, indeed, swore that Mr. Neale had told him, that Mrs. Birch came to his bed one night, but that he had sent her away. The servants swore positively that they had repeatedly seen Mr. Neale in Mrs. Birch's room at night. There were many confirmatory tarts also sworn to ; but they are unlit for our columns. Chief .insure Tindal said, in charging tbe Jury— The case wan one in which there was co:I-idol-able difficulty in explaitdrz all the circumstances. 11 the rvidenco of the two wyv.i:as eca: to he brh,.ve;1, is presented features of mare than se-pieian ; heist un the r hand, there were
eirennwances that involved it in mystery, wloich :lute hi,o1 1,0 adduced to clear away.
The danages were laid at .",9110/., but the „Jury only gave a verdict for 2(10/.
In the Central Criminal Court, on Tuesday, sentences of tran-per- tation, end imprisooment fur cations terms, were passed out a number of convicts; and the following were condemned to death-
Cassini, ho. cutting and maiming, with intent, &e. ; Sadlier, ditto; James Coster, far hurghry ; George Roane, ditto; John Bond, ditto. The contiet Thomas Williams, under sentence of death in Newgate who was reprieved for fourteen days, has been respited during hie Majesty's pleasure.
The Judges of the Central Criminal Court have at length arrived at the determination of estreating the recognizance's, or at least disallow- ing the expenses, of all witnesses who are nut in attendance to give evidence when called upon. From the absence au itnesses, the present session has been extended two days.