A rumour was current, and generally credited in well-informed cir-
cles, yesterday, that Lord Durham has been requested by the Govern- ment immediately to assume the Embassy to that Court of St. Peters- burg, and that the noble Earl has accepted that important diplomatic appointment. However much, in other respects, we may regret, at this moment, the absence (probably temporary) of Lord Dur- ham from England, still we hope that the report will he confirmed. The sanction of his high political reputation, and the Value of his superior talents and services to a Liberal Administration, cannot but increase the public confidence in the principles and sta bility of Lord Melbourne's Cabinet ; while the acceptmee of this peculiarly important foreign appointment will demonstrate the desire of Lord Durham to devote himself to the service of his country, and to contribute to the maintenance of a liberal policy at home and abroad. We hope on Monday to be enabled to confirm the rumour by the au- thentic announcement of so creditable an appointment.--lbeniny Chronicle.