Arrived—At Grave:rnol, June 211, Ann, Griffiths, from China ; 211, Mary. Anu. llornblow, from Nloolras; and James Laing. •I'onilin, front 5Ia nillot ; 2-111i, Africa, Skelton, form Ceylon: and grth, Alerataiol. Johnsen, from China. Off Dover, 23i1, Bard:islet., Chalmers, from New South wade:; atool 26111, Ithonla, Borst. front Van Ditaatal.S Land. At !teal, 2Ist, (..oventry, Purdy, from China ; '24111. John Barry, Robson. front New South Wafes; 25th, Ferguson. Young, from !Seagal; Auriga" Chalmers. and Chile. Ireland, from Van Diemen's Land. ((II' 1.:ott.tholortie, 21sta Kerstowell. Ihsweil, from the 1%1pr. At Liverpool, 211h, Golden Fleece, Ora \ es, from Bengt]. At the Cape, Match _'11th, !Moen I /a■ is, (ton( Madras; 30th, Olive Inatich, Stirling; and Maria, Burton, from London; April 1st, Prince George, ('reed, from New rastle ; lush, Asia. 11i,h1le, farm Madras; and Neptune, ltroaolliarst, from Nhontlias At Madras, Felt, 12t11, flails:, Beach, from Loudon. At Bengal, Jan. 26111 falo•ohn. F■1ey. from Lonolon. A.t Van Dieman's Land, Feb. 13th, Lady
Bolton. from lurk; 11th, Sarah, NV Iiitesiokos, from Loudon; 20th, Ana, M'Alphiti, tro ono Li% eri000l. Sailed rrota ttravesenol. June 21, [alias. Conk, for Manilla ; :mil Vansittart, Mar
qui:, for moido,o; ; 22, ()herrn, fir China; 25„ Iholie of Buo•elengli, NI:Irt in, ha '.t.hooiras; I Iero oof 5111:111. fiat Bombay-; ttoi Frances Cltar9otte,1; tea N, '. viaks. Eroto Literpo4.1. IS, Corolelia, CI 1,o:ohm. fur Chios, Front the Cl■-ole, 17, Elizahelb, for Bengal ; and. NItir Brow it, far Van laimoint's Lund.