There has been a dreadful explosion in one of the
coal-mines of Mr. Russell, at Walk end, about four utiles from Newcastle. The
ing is an abridged account of the :amide:it, front the .1; ,a,/./1..../imemd. " About 2..)11 people are employed at this colliery ; and on 1 hiusday after- noon (last week), the helve's of the coal, with the exception of loom, lard left the ing is an abridged account of the :amide:it, front the .1; ,a,/./1..../imemd. " About 2..)11 people are employed at this colliery ; and on 1 hiusday after- noon (last week), the helve's of the coal, with the exception of loom, lard left the
mine, under an impression of its perfect safety. About a hundred putters, con- sisting for the most pall of young Men and boys, remained at work. Their labours were superintended by four °vermeil and deputy overmen—all men of great experience, some Laving been accustomed to work III the pits fin upwards
of thirty While the operation of ' putting' the coals was going on, the intasmen were suddenly ;donned by a loud report in the Church Pit, which they describe as being similar to an earthquake. The rushing of the find air to the month of oho slo oft, Iningimg up with it some of the pitmen's clothes and other 'igloo ;oriel,: nom the bottom, left no room for conjecture :Ls to what had occurred in the mine. The repro t was occasioned by an explosion of inflam- mable air, by which 104 human beings were unhappily hurried into eternity. Intelligence of the explosion spread with the utmost rapidity. The distressing scene that ensued no pen could describe. Parents, wives, and chililicn, rushed to the pit, eager to :iscertain the extent of the calamity, and the fate of those who were near and dear to them. 1 k,pite the imminent tisk and dangier of such an experiment, eight brave men volunteerol to descend the pit, it, [lie desperate Lope of being able to save and bring up some of their companions. Vain, how- ever, was the attempt. I of reaching the bottonn, and endeavouring to penetrate the works, they were nearly suffocated by the foul air. With the greatest old& culty they regained the ropes ; and when drawn up, were nearly insen•ible, and in a state of extreme exhaustion. Thus perished all hopes of saving any of the unfortunate people in the mine.- Eiglity.six bodies of men and boy; have been got out. Three men and one boy have been drawn up alive ; but they are terribly burnt, and quite insane.
At the Conservative dinner at Wellington, Somersetshire, out of
195 electors in the town, only 15 attended the dinner! So tin for Conservatism in West Si aller■Ct. It 1M., so didlhadt lolidd Somerset- shire men to attend, that the Mayor and seven other Tiverton persons were sent for from Devonshire.
The Eircepoof Norm/ard states, that on Sunday last the Irish steamers brought over _'t100 Irish labourers, all in the greatest state of destitution. The passfige..motwy is said to have been only :14/. per Lead.
The Gorttle of last night contains an Order in Council, dated the 9.-Ith inst. directing that the assizes for the county palatine of Lancaster, hitherto holden at Lancaster, shall in future be holden at Livelpuol and Lancaster; the county to be divided into two divisions, northern and southern ; the assizes for that part of the county to be called the northern divison, ha-biding the hundreds of Lonsdale, A mounderness, Leyland, and Blackburn, to be holden at Lancaster, and those for the southern division, including Salford and West I krby, to be holden at Liverpool ; and ;hat the Castle of Lancaster be the county gaol for the Northern division, and the House- of Correction at Kirkdalc that for the Southern.