IN ti,;` :,.•(•■;;:ii impression of our last week's paper, we were en:;bled to ,,tene of the important results of the inquiries of the Commission-
ers of l'elhie Instruction in Ireland ; an early copy of their L 1- test Report
1111. '1 utot glared i oar hands. We have sines given tl s (Imminent a mere CN:Inlillatifi!l, and subjoin ant abstract of its contents. The Commissioners h' in by stating, that, in pursuant:Is of the duties as-boned to them, they prtomred lists of (pieties, and forwarded copies of them to ministers or till persuasions. int Ireland. and to the tonne,.•. rotors employed in taking the census of Its.-3 1. o these queries the Colionissionets were furnished with answers, by the Clergy of the Esta!,ii-herd Church, relatieg to 1:;:',0 parishes; by the Catholic Ch•rgy,
repo' e to ; parishes ; by the Presbyterians, relatimt to elif parishes ; by the Enumeretors, t elating to all the parishes in Iit.1.1:1,1.
to o'atain as correct an estimate as p,assilde of the relative proper; :ens of the various sects, without to.',..ite; an eetual census of the poiiii! iti,vl. th,r Commissioners adoptetl the followina plan. They em- ploy; !! emmicraters, 1.30s in minilmr, who were appointed by the to [alto th,t crusts of 15:31, to go MCI' the gromid atrain, and
colt ,•, .• edditiemil information they could procure In in authentic soon:. every parish ; and at the saute tittle they aildre• -ea letters to
the a : end oiii,•iating clergy, apprizin3 tiara of the object of the eine: 1-,.; -' vi-ils, and requesting their aid. In order tot ire the most
maple ty for the contagion of error, the enumerator was re- quired I.; e, y his return on oath ; that return was deposited in some
convene :.,. place in each parish, (vet to anybody's inspect:mu for four. teen days ; me+ or more Commissioners personally attended in each parish doe notice firing given of his or their intention to be present), in order to hear any evidence respecting the correetness of the enume- rator's return ; and lastly, while the enumerator was employed in any part-li. the clergy of that parish were emptovered to examine and scru- tinize his return from day to day. Great paints were taken to ascertain the boundaries of each parish ; and the llounnissioners tippear to be satisfied that they have procured correct information on this point. By pursuing this plan the Commissioners were able, in a great num- ber of instances, to obtain the exact numbers of each sett in a parish assumed the (runs of 15:11 to be correct ; •11111 having ascertained the from actual enumeration ; but whenever this w n as ot attain able, they ratio of increase lit, the detailed abstracts of the l'opulatilni lit:turns, printed by order of the thrust) of ('inninons, front Istll to Issll, they caused tables to be Hindi', which, on the assumption that the ratio of in- crease continued the saute from Is:3 1 to 1t+:33 as it was front Ito_ll to people ; but inquiry was made as to entieration or immigration, or otaln,i;''Itei unusual mortality in any I arish, and tillutv=e :node fur such Ibrieint- 15:3I, shou.cd the respective population of the various sects in 1:-:1-1. This was the general rule adoptet1 in estimating the numbers of the tort contains the itimillers of tine various- sects in each parlsIt stated sepal-et:by, and arelogel in a taholar ftn.m. Where sere :J pa. lashes are united ill oute benullets, this is teuritiont d ; and t!lotr r,:!IL`...
guity to or di-tatitte front each other is also stated. l'Im 1, hole ',Liao an immense folio vellum. of :-.2.0 pages. As rettards the numbers I f the members of the l•.stablislied I 'boom, it is plaid that they lie tint ■tr.14,4.-tutctl; as i:i a large ruottlwr of pari,hes the ettleat, of the elerayman has been adopted by the I'itainti,-iotteas ; and in dInitt,t ovoty itte 1-h, tott-in,....;' to the t te.,,linc,s of their 'mother:, it. was cast' to a-rein„in lofty litany er Ceti they really were. In the - 'nailer towns, tool In paid pari• lies gerer,•Ily, the Commis-ioners al peor to be , etto tied es to the tiol'I•crtllt•-■ 01 the I.! taros WI 11-11,i'll till y found t aeit. 11 EtTert ; but they admit that in loot! tutees Play. have net berm :!! b• to attain so not,. an adorn': 'h tow....-,Is e., „rm.:, , emi this remarh : more p Irtielthely to I !Odin. ( b., the wheb., hoe ever, the l'e sioners say—:;11.: Ow LI Ik'r 1.-11: ,,i ii..i, 1,..,...:., ,.., i . ,,,,:.:,..1.....,t_ 4. NVe 1,7 4,,l,t t) ■ ar '4 i.',...ty i,rr c,-,...r. i i Iri ! r. ! Fe.. t!. - I i.: ■,.•.,•, ...!,1', 3 fell eir..!..!elici, dirt il ;1;lid.!: a ,i, y chi- . :!:1:ii:,.-ii :!.,:, C.... IA 1,!!.1 1.1 :.1. i : tier vilii•r.• twr,..•e: 7...•■ir-,e. i- il ..trly rn t,' ii:i.i!ib... If, 1.. .vi v .r, '... le 1-, .,iii. ‘,..., II our l',.:,..... Wilit '.: 1\.1..:H ., OW Ill: ..' ■tt.! of ..1„•• ■ ,i•'.;,. ,'■:1 i....1., 7,,, .,.. •'... • 1....o.t illi./ti11.1%. It. :• Cin wiilHi R-!it,, t.. 111,. 11,.,:1,1,, ,.' • t•l ti,- 1: t.,,,ti '..,..: t '., .tc t , .....s nee oldy the co,. p n.ltivc -1::„Itt...-• cl ti,ic :ILL :,..!, il .,:i.i.1, lit- i:tli,..• .0 wry,
amp 11:■•11' , .coil 1.,;0 loll, 11::!•lot !Lela 111,,Ft. , i.••,- i•': 1.11,:,-,a1':!1‘,II, out ;.:1 ., 1 ..1...:t.!
1:111,1,1' i c p.IF.1•111, V:: I,.IVC 1.81:-.1 &T.:bit 11 to t,!0..1 ti: . l'i...., -.":it. ,i the - - iiii-hch t liiirch ii:i tii, ,iiiltiii ity of itt ,1-;., I:1:01C l'..I. :!..,• .....!:..,r, hi m h. elerr■ .h,•11, amid e.ir,ii..:12, inve,ti,.../tzu:1 :mu the li e.:11 it .,,....r., Lehi by th,.. ,. Conittiis.1,int.i...- The result. of this iteptiry, which appears to have been vi ry ti a:U.- 011.; and irnpertial, end col:ducted on ref:mull principles, will a front the Callers it, e; Summery ; %air!: is givett It•tto in :1 l'alLeV 111,, fillet and ititel'tiHhio l'otall tiratt it epocars in the lit port. It silo. oliscrvcd, that in the numbers of the Esteblisioel Church a eon able bode of Iresle■atit Methodists ere limb:bed. lshe Cm , . shiners suite, that these pet -on- do not attend .ii, :me sere :•e in chniehes, but in their Own l'ilap1:1":, rind yet are des:retts of being. classed es t.!littrelmiett. For tle• purposes of this intmit.ytitoy should tuttkul.ittAlly have been classed among the :Nonconformists.
lleitilier. of F...tablii-h,:il Clu ;,.s.;_t7...f..(i 7.11..1
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[The iirelioriiiin .47ttccif,et., of the 1:_4:d.li.)..cd I lyr....11:o *tic Whose Pop:- ha am, is ai,00 lo; 11.•r cvilt. ; 1,1 ittol,1.1:1(.,litviie,,,'; ; t.■ l're,t)te- ii,111,„,; "'Awl' P1,-',e,',tk:: PI.. ,EN•I's, t.] PiCees of 1!;,rship.
E,taltli,lted Church
Hannan I -.tit. lie' Pre,bvtc., .1 .1.241).titozi 4:4!
()diet. I'./gam, --. ..... i ,-.-,. Pari.sh■ S or i,iri, is.
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