The grand musical lestital at Cambridge, in honour of the
installa. tion of the Duke of Northumberland as High Steward, mid of the Marquis of Camden, as Chmicellor, will take phwe on Saturday next.
Alayerbecr has a new opera, sit the subject of the massacre of St. Bartholomew, nearly ready 14 representation. The Gazelle .11m.icale tie Paris says it will probably be brought out in September.
Proposals have been issued for a new society, to be caned the " Fo- reign Society ;" the principal objects of which are to collect it library of foreign literature, and keep the club constantly supplied with periodi- cal publications of every description, whether literary, or com- mercial, that have reference to foreign countries, including the colonies. It is calculated that, with a society of .int) members, a greater yearly subscription than four guineas would not he required. This would enable such a society to expend at least Itte0/. per annum in the forma- tion of its library, which, in the course of a few years, would contain a more complete collection of works on foreign literature than is, probably, to be met with in England. There is to be no dining, but only the refreshment of tea and coffee.—Literary Gazette.