IS C:t:r0Ittiv nEc 0 T. EECTIONS Is a charming volume
; and fi, t. more reasons than one Its style has all the buoyancy, sparkle, point, and finish, that charetoetized the author's youthful Letter!: to whielt qualities age and expe- rience have added something of force and condensatien. But there are greater clotrins than those of it le,—delightful pictures of Portuettese landscapes and villas, true and living descriptions of convents and of .1 tistippeati conventual touches of man- ners, glimpses I ti' the people, sketell(,F, 01' od l characters, and in- dications of court tontiscinents and M'courtiers. The spirit whiel2. animates tl.e intoter is ellic;ty denoted by brilliant vivacity', s:one_ times rendered piroomit by geol- nit too .1 s,!tiie, sometimes by the melancholy With tthiel.l i.:,1 Lack: 11/)011 the
p!easant \ uric: or youth, and towv 1; :el ILe t warmed by a
11;11/1V ■•1 I \ :;•-; • ore vet two ether
poial. ■". :He; (I., have the adv;Int3ge
heiag e ter tier,' e el' Oleic greater sammiess. the wai.i I i■•::1 'ou 01. soll,1::y itt the matter is not so much f tl (2 la' the subjeets treated of In the volume inav y et to.-I, or be revived but this peculiar species is setae e ey le r ever., The pate:-11:11 aristeereey of the rich and (1 • e: "el I !Ii' !,111,211 : the s.tiir aml
formal yet polished modes et' iodic gentry : and
Ike iitoomonono,(Ittaiio, hallreeal stete cf the noble old lady-bird- fancier, ere hailished 1,v the French ilivasicm, never to return. The tvork is ia the font of a diary : it coattails the thoughts, feeliteree sights, and telventures, of twelve days. It I3 written from Doles made at the time of the excursion (Imw just one-and-forty years ago) ; the retentive !mammy of the writer Laving tilled up the outline they preserved. The excursion was made to the celebrated monasteries of Alcolet ea and Batalha, by desire of the Prince Reo-ent of Portateld. lloc000tto's com- panions were his " partieular friends the Grand Prior of _&viz and. the Prior of St. Vincent's." The of their visit was never entirely known to our author but it inay be gathered that it was of an inquisitorial or rather censorial nature, in consequence of some irregularities, at least in Alcultaca, which were representet1 as amoutiting to a breach of vow. But no matter for the reason : suffice it to say, that the parties travelled with a splendour becom- ing their wealth and rank ; received every respect and attention from the frail brotherhood; and ate,drank, and were merry at their expense, the Priors judiciously reserving their «ri.yos for the moment of parting.. For samples of this volume, we might copy one quarter of it, without wearying the reader or exhausting the variety of the work, if honesty or available space permitted. %Vitt' these bar- riers opposing us, we must do what we can; and begin W it h an amusing. contrast between the romance of the novice and the prac- tical attention of the veteran.
THE 10,..1 .1N1) T111'. MEANS 01' LIVING.
It was quite delectable to witness with ‘vlett eon:fallings the Lord Abbot of Alt:oh:ma greeted his right reverend brethren of Aviz and St. Vincent's—turtle-doves were never more fondlesome, at least in outward ap:t pear:rove. Preceded by these three gracess of lailioess, I entered the spacious, massive, and somewhat austrre Saxon-looking cloarli. All was gloom, except: where the perpetual lamps burning before the high altar dames! it light 11105t solemn and religiotts—ritiferior twinkles from side ellapels and chantries are ! not worth :::entraiiieg). To this altar Inv high clerical conductors repaired, whilst the loll, harnaaiiims tones of several stately org,rais, accompanied by the choir, lin:claimed that they were in the act of adoring the real Presence. whilst Ilium! devout prostrations were performing, I lost not a moment in ' visiting the sepulchral chapel, where lie interne Peden the Just and his beloved Inez. The light which reached this solemn recess of a must solemn edifice was so subdued ;did hazy, that I could h redly distinguish the elaborate sculpture of the tomb ; which reminded nay both as to design mill execution, of the Beau- chanip monument at 'Warwick, sit tin-h in fretwork and imagery.
Just as I was giving wey to the alfecting reveries which smell an object could not fail of exciting in a bosom the least susceptible of romantie impressions, in
came the (iraial Prints, Laud in band, all thiee "'lit the kitchen,"
said they in perfect " to the Vtelien, and that immediately; you will theo intly,e whether we have bzen wand:!; in z .al to regale vou."
Such a summons, so eunveyol, was iirrsi:Ailde. The ilave prelates led the way to. I verily believe, the most di•tinguished temple o: gluttony in all Europe. What Olastoniniry may have been in its palmy state, I cannot answer ; but my cp., never beheld in any modern convent of Erance, Italy, or (jet many, such an enormous space dedicated to culinary purpose+. Through the centre of the im- mense and nobly- gtoineil hall, not fes. than sixty feet iii diameter, ran a brisk rivillet of tl:e clearest water, flowing through idereeil wooden reservoirs, con- tainivg eve; y slat and size of the finest river fish. On one side loads of rgame and venis:ill were heaped up ; on the (Alms. vegetables and fruit in endless sit ietv. Beyond a long line of StfWes extended a row of ovens; and close to them hillocks of wheaten ur 'whiter than snow, rocks of sugar, jars of the purest oil, and pastry in vast abundance, which it numerous tribe of lay brothers and the it attendants were rolling out and paling up into an hundred different shapes, singing all the while as blithely as larks in a corn-field.
Batalha was less famous for its cookery, more distinguished for devotion. Here is a gorgeous and graphic picture of 111011 MASS.
As soon as we drew near, the valves of a huge open door were thrown open, and we entered the nave•' which reminded me of Winchester in form of archer' awl mouldings, and Amiens in loftiness. There is a gt e 'ter plainness in the teal., less panelling, and fewer intersections in the vaulted roof; but the lowest richness of hue, at this time day at least, was not wanting. No tAwstiv however rich, no painting however vivid, could equal the gorgeous- iwss of tint, the sphundour of the golden and ruby light w kelt streamed forth front the long series of stained windows: it played dickering about in all di- ions, on pavement and on roof, casting over every object myriads Of glowing wellow shadow, ever in undulating motion, like the reflection of branches waved to and fro by the breeze. We all p trrook of these gorgeous tints ; the \I. his.. monastic garments of illy conductors; seemed a. it \Vere embroidered with ig ht. st 11.m-is. of paradise, and our Whole procession kept advancing invested
with olio's.
)L1, began as soon as the high prelatic powers had taken their stations. It was celebrated with no particular pomp, no glittering splend. ; but the coon- ten mee caul gestures ,if the MI-win-Mg pt lest, were chera -terized by .t profttowl rel:jeus awe. The voices of the monks, clear but deli-toned, rose pealing tio.aegh vast and echoing spaces. The ehant ryas gt t‘af and simple its austerity mitigated in some parts by the treble ol very young- choristers. These sweet nm,l innocent sounds tumid their way to Inv :Las t ; they recalled to tilt rociettrc our own benttifal cathedral settee, and 1—wept.' Aly companions too appeared unusually .Bitted.
They were hurried back, however, from Batalha : of which, tit rely sav in passing, there are some doscripGins never equalled to: ii- fitness and effect. The Lord High Al teener of A Iceliei.e " had set his heart upon an omelette ii la prevent:ale, which he eattielv desired might be tossed up by my divine ras he was pleased to call hint) French oink, and there was no time to lose." :Nh,ttaicur Simon hail been sent on under the cert. a our author's
physician: and on the return of the party, says Bet
I di-cadre ill teiisaluHj ui C0/0111s the 111121.e.:I•01 jill■:Isai0/1 with Which I
had glory of beiag reerived by my Lot(' Abbot up,. tilt let Lila ; for not uotv iii,1 Ile pass the threshold of his majestic !natal, to hid rue Wt 101110... but hi• IiriuAl/al OM:id:Mt and 1•ief/411111, time •■■th• Prior (whose strongly anal Led fea-
tures were quite ist the style of some of the finest 11,,,,Tio. po• to dis/11011:11-, au.l COIihrstVIIIIitigly held my stirrup. noto all these re- doubled at tentiom, I plainly pert-eked that the wind had. ;hanged in tny favour
several points since yestel day ; whit do you think has prod:teed this agree ;ile alter:ohm 1"—the ;am/. (ft my dear. most. eseelient strarger " ( toy name for the thee being had tonsil:, escapol him) exclaimed his right revenants., " what a tte tsure■ou possess in that admirable artist—t t grande Simati! he has had the kindness to east a new
our tut' stoves: he is liberality itself; kw instead a loeidng up his know- ledge, he has didostal it through my while kitchen. here," continued be, min- im- out smile -,ravels NI Melt Prattefii hail translated front the otiginal French into very also iginal Put tuguese, '' I fere are receipt,, with marginal notes and Din etatiom, I mean to preserve as carehilly ;is I would a string of peat Is, till
nit last hour. If tit is it true, is it possible, you can be meditating to leave us -eon? Son bird of evil note whispered in my ear that you were determined to leave us toduorrow morning. Let me conjure eau not to think of it ; one day more, at least, do I prav ,Ind beseech you to bestow on us. Alv revered lords the Priors of A viz and St. Vincent's have consented to comply with nay request, sohµ
Arrived at length at the point to whiell we had been tending. I fancied myself sudden-iv transported to Palestine. A phtin perfectly flat and arid presented itsf.-1f, 41:ver billed alone by the low sculunmed ale:ides and belfries .of tics: convent, tit • dining to the ruinous, and bearing a strong tescuilititteo in hunt and nod to the views I have seen of the semi-Gothic chapels and cells at Jerusalem and Nat; it et I!. Isicattered all over from one end to the Mika- of this extensive level (for it stretched out above it mile), were droves of a,-es, a few mules of sachet for caste glaringly caparisoned, and peasants without number, of ;di ages and sexes,
mat sitting in clusters o the ground i
, employed as busily n ;:afiseriog top tiler the
fragments of a general repast as if they had jmt parat'ausi some intractilULIS supply of loaves and fishes.
'Ibis was all mighty trill, and admit:11.1v adaphal to prompt a d,--ire of skr telt - ing, for nothing could lie more picturesyte than these varied groups; but the coodort of comforts was to witness how gratefully devout they appeared—how peifectly convinced that they stood under the open eve of the Saint, and that by acting in conformity with his precepts, they might deserve, at the inevit a; /le hour, his efficacious patronage. Lt the mean time, (saw no tokens of riot or in- temperance, no brateltshing of knives, tto drunken disputes or wallowings. When the bells of the convent gave notice that service was going to teeh,. the grotty.; that were scattered over the plain rapidly joined together, and moved in one dense body, one vast multitude, six or seven tliousand at (east, to the wide naked space before the entrance to the church ; which, though not inconsiderable in its dimensions, was far tau small to contain a twentieth part of su llllll wrous
a congregation.
The community, consisting of from thirty to forte monks, all vnung men, many with features as regular as the time Grecian heads on the Svraettsatt medals, but looking pale and attenuated, were standing on the long hue of steps. Their superior presented the banner of the Saint to my revered companions; who having saluted it with profound reverence, we enteted the elm eh. I looked bat-k from the portal upon the multitude, which extended itself like a sea to a great distance; all silent, all kneeling, all with their moistened and glistening eyes (for many wept through religious fervour) fixed on the illumination which stleamed from the high altar, and which appeared to them, I have no doubt, a cheering itiiht, a sacred pharos„ shining to conduct them to that haven where the ardent in faith and the contrite in spirit meet their eternal reward. " Oh!" said the excellent Prior of Aviz to me, as he pressed my hand with parental kindness, "this is a sight which relieves and elevates toy heart. How glowing and sincere the piety of these plain countrymen! how consolatory their firm confidence in protection tiom .Love! Anti yet these warm, ennobling feelings—f,Aingi irlach raise our nature above the dust—are precisely those the vile a) copli ants of the Evil pi in' ha'. the blood-stained monsters of l'rance, pant to kadicate. 'Ilie suppressors of institutions which tend to soothe those lave.. ratiltg cares humanity is subject tit, ;mil to absorb in the glorious prospect of the future the corroding misery of the present, are, in fact, suppressors of hap- piness,—the delegates of that dread iavisible agency, which, under 311ClItIk'SS variety of specious masks, is ever in movement, s,•eking whom and IvItat it may devour."
Nit one word had i to say against this reasoning ; for holy often have I thought atlysell, that these eNpet tangos ispon the human mind, to which the Ifristr of .1% iz alluded, tail as ablioteut hi 111111 of pore and kindly fiteling, a, ttio,,e of the hellish Ilajeudic111/011 Ihr innahaidiog aitint ils he submits to the must hor- rible and lingering torture, and lit pin poses equally problematical.
The " Ito. missa est " having been pionotineed, the Prior iz, trembling with emotion and evidently lunch .ttleted, was conducted in procession by the
usiths to their sleristy.I0 !Ha 011 his 11011I V0•411■011ts t al1,1 tO 111V steps be c the morality. tritely, lookiog tip to the effigy on the banner, again dis- puted by the superior of the convent, he bestowed, as if immediately delegatea hit the Saint hilusalt to pet form that sacred oilier, a solemn heartfelt lumedietion. At that moment, when evti) knee was bent and every head was bowed, the :incient :OM venerable hymn appointed for this festival, so dear to the natives of I'm tug i1, co often sling by their armies in their proud days of conquest on the eve of going into battle, ruse with mu- accord, as front one heart, from the %dodo of the vast as•eitiblage. The perfeet unison of so in toy thousand manly voices, iMagied tt ith the clearer tones of childieo and their mothers, tilled the smuttier air with .t yoleu,r of sound more intelleet ',ally h irttionions ttrut any tallish evec
rendied thy ear H0111 cifol 1, of itunsivi Iris and choristets• l'rayer dues not always asccod with Ilte to,•itest lerveite■ front beneath gilded vaults or go: goose, cupolas; it is in the flee. not:tinted lest t. nailer Nature's on-at sky,
that nian seems to C01:1111111■C Link .1,111\ wit, Lr a ■■■11. Impressed with that • 2111:01cht, till. bare roelss, the se:oh-led stmt.-, the withered turf, ranked higher hi soy estimation than ail tile splendours of lea el it. egnisteettee ; and the simple ;essenthled together ist this it ild :111.1 desolate place to thank the 1111tiAiity for his blessings. appeared far superior in iny ^acs to those pliarisai..: ..f.itha rings attracted to church by worldly motives and the paradg of idle vanity.
\Vt. (meld, awl idI Idly, have'given man y more quotations,—espes dally the teuchine anecdote of the novice and the dead siert:: the indicative sketch of I lie Cables --- a sort of l'ortng,nese Inane; awl some of the SECHL`s hatahl at court an-I Ili tlw country, nil it'll enrich. diversify the volinie.. lila there are other places in the world beside Portugal ; :in(' we lutist take leave of Mr. BEeKetnto's Recotteetions, with commendation and thanks.