Clic. Court.
Tor. Kitt; and Queen arrived at St. .1anies's Palace, from Windsor, o n .1 lotalty afternoon. On Tuesday, the Queen honoured with her presence the Marquis of Hertford's grand tote, at his villa in the Regent's Park. The King gave audit ores to .111arquis Camden and the Earl of Albemarle.
On Wednesday, his .Majesty held a Levee, which was very nume- rously attended. 'the Deputation from the General Assembly of the ("emelt of Stattland-consistilig Of 1)1',4. Chalmers and Alaelarlane, and the Reverend Mes•rs. Boehm:am Clasen, idel Sillipson-itecompanied Lund Ramsay, Sir George Clerk. and other Scottish' Alembers, 111 -voted as addrtas to the King, thanking him for his gracious inten- titm of inereasiog the means of relivious intruetion to the poor of Scotland, as intimated in the Royal Speech on the opening of Parlia- ment. Ser., cal addresses, praying for protectitm to the I 'Iturell, were by The A Tubbislitals of Canterltm•y, York, and Armagh, the lh -hops of Worcester, Exeter, Catfish:, Lord Bowe, Lord Downes, lalysis Canalen, and others. Lord Gosfend loc,cilted an address Irmo :1 rinagli, cordielly thanking his Majesty for recalling the present Ministers 0. his councils. • On 'flow:day, the Queen held a Drawing-room, the last of the ;-e...ori. The pre-rotations were not :Is numerous; as usual, and the eencial eon-warty seems to have been lather thin. As usual, the num- 1 er of Tory lord, and ladies for exceeded that of the 1Vhigs and Liberals.
The Queen and a select party dined with the Dutehess of Kent. Yesterday, the King gave a grand dinner to the Foreign Ambassadors, and a party of the nobility.