AllIttvED—At Gravesend, 24th June, St. George, Jones, from Sydney ; and Barbara, rums, from Mauritius; 25th, Ratcliffe, Gilbert, from Sydney ; and Antigua Packet, Hunter ; and Symmetry, kiackwood, from Ceylon. In the Downs, 24th, Tudor, Lan from Calcutta ; 25th, Thomas Hughes, Butler, front Port Phillip; Queen, WLeod, from Calcutta; Duke of Reaborongh, Collard, from Xi ndras ; and Grange, Graham, from Mauritius. At Portsmouth, 24th, Welcome, Broadibot, from Moulmein. Off Way. mouth, 25th, Duke of Richmond, Barclay ; and Vixen, Douglas, from Port Philip. At Plymouth, 21st, Lady Amherst, Thompson, from China. At Liverpool, 23d, Argyle, Brocklebank ; and Aurora, Henderson, from Caleutta ; and Falcon, Males, from Mauri- tius ; and 24th, Jolly Robin, Beverley, front Calcutta. At the Cape, 22d, Hightlyer, Alcock ; Arrow, Walker ; Falsetto, Hough ; and Tulloch Castle, Stamp, from London Letitia, Thorpe, from Liverpool; and Mountain Maid, Allen ; and Waterloo. Wood, from Newcastle. At Bombay, 6th May, Ann Grant, Foreman, from London. At Gana, 19th April, Wanderer, Potter, from Newport. At Calcutta, 30th, Zemindar, Penton ; Countess of Arran, Turner, from Liverpool ; and Argatun, Tait, from the Clyde. At Singapore, 8th April, Orpheus, Neale, from Liverpool At Whampoa, 18th April, Wanderer, Priest, from Hull ; and Earl POWIA, Moslem, flora Liverpool. At Shanghae, 13th March, Tomatin, Nolte, from Liverpool. At Sydney, previous to 20th Feb., Posthumous, Marshall ; Eagle, Ellis; and Sultana, Longford, from London; Queen, Gordon, from Liverpool ; and Munford, Orr, from Newcastle.
SAILED—From Gravesend, 21st June, Lady 5PNaughten, Hibbert, for Madras ; 23d, Lady of the Lake, M'Taggart, for Singapore ; and Bucephalus, Bell, for Madras; 25th, Sir R. Sale, Loader, for Hong liOng. From Liverpool, 20th June, "tartlet Humble, Berls, for Calcutta ; and Chaseley, Weight% for Bombay ; 21st, Geleeehen, Phillips, for Bombay ; P.d, Robert Syers, Atkins, for Bombay ; 230, Earl of Lonadale, Pile, for Cal- cutta • and 25th, Viscount Sandell, White, for China. From the Clyde, 19th June, Mounaineer, Smith, for Bombay.
The Trio, Smith, from Calcutta to Mauritius, was wrecked on the Island of Rodriguez. 6th March ; crew saved.
AaatvEn—In the Downs, 26th June, Johnstone, Harrison, from New South Wales. Off Salconibe, 20th June, John Ileyes, Woodward, from South Auslralla, At St. He- lena, 11th May, Etheldred, Bradford, from Bombay.