27 JUNE 1846, page 12

The First Acts Of The New Pope's Reign Promise Well

for his future government. Accounts have been received from Rome which state that he is immediately to grant a general amnesty for all political offences. The effect of this......

A Corn-law Ballad: Addressed To Sir Robert Peel, By An

ADMIRER. " Ile that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him teat Benet], it."—Troo. 21. 28. The puppy, and the fool, The......

The Gazette Of Yesterday Notifies The Following...

Esq., to be Governor and Commander-in--chief of the Islands of An- tigua, Montserrat and Barbuda, St. Christopher, Nevis, Anguilla, the Virgin Islands, and Dominica;......

It Having Become Known In Paris On Thursday That The

Peel Administration was really near its close, the Bourse was much agitated. Stocks and Shares, the latter especially, declined.—Times. Lady Peel passed through Paris on......


The Lords Commissioners—the Chancellor, the Duke of Buccleuch, the Earl of Haddington, and the Earl of Dalhousie—entered the House of Lords, in their robes, a little before five......

Money Market.

STOCK Haraswes, FilMAT AFTsasoost. The gloom that has so long impended over the market still continues; and as a change of atinistry is now considered imminent, capitalists seem......