Musi C.
THE BEETHOVEN QUARTET SOCIETY. THE performances of the present season were brought to a termination on Monday, with Ilaydn's Quartet in F minor with the fugue, Mozart's in F......
On the 18th June, at Vieux Luc, Calvados, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel Car- michael, C.B., of a daughter. On the 19th, in Burton Crescent, the Wife of the Rev. G. S. Drew,......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, Tune 23. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. S. H. and M. A. M. Lindley, Cranbourne Street, bead-manaractarers-Phinips and Elldred, 3111k Street, llnen-factors-J. and F. Trotman,......
Military Gazette.
WAx-orrrce, June 19.-3d. Drag. Guards-Capt. J. D. Dyson, to be Major, by pur. vice Teesdale, who retires; Lieut. W. Squire, to be Capt. by par. vice Dyson; Cornet T. E. Whitby,......