The new Pope has been elected in a hurry :
the Sacred College have chosen Cardinal Mastei-Ferretti, who has assumed the naine of Pius the Ninth. The unwonted baste is imputed to two causes, not, however, incompatible with each other,—the fear lest an in- terregnum should occasion an insurrection in the Roman States ; and the wish to anticipate the arrival of the fbreign Cardinals who were posting from other countries to influence the election. The Pope is, like the barrister in the Clandestine Marriage, quite a "young gentleman"; being only fifty-four. He is one of the youngest ever elected, and has that chance of being one of the most vigorous. Some suppose him to incline to the Austrian in- teroit--a Ghibelline Pope! Nevertheless, he is understood to be liberal, and he has a high reputation for piety and learning. An Anti-Papal Pope, of course, is nearly an impossibility; but one Inspired by an enlightened zeal for the welfare of his church and its government might do something to reform the abuses which lire bringing both to destruction.