Tuesday, Tune 23.
S. H. and M. A. M. Lindley, Cranbourne Street, bead-manaractarers-Phinips and Elldred, 3111k Street, llnen-factors-J. and F. Trotman, Frume Selwood, cuniers-ktunt and Co. Stourbridge, attornies ; as far as regards W. Hunt-Allen and Co. Fenchurch Street, chemists-Abrahams and Co. Jamaica, exporters-Hordern and Ridings, Ard- wick, power-loom-manufacturers-Hall and Croxon, Liverpool, share-brokers-Lewie and Heaven, Bristol, painters-Wilson and Moore, Liverpool, painters-Wood and Simpson, Mincing Lane, colonial brokers-Smith and Punnett, Shoreditch, tea-dealere -Homersham, Brothers, Bermondsey, woolstaplers--Birkett and Crennell, Liverpool, joiners -Nutman and Smith, Short Street, New Cat, engineers-Eillott and Blake, Chichester, architects. RANIERI/TIN.
BKEDEL, EDWARD, and REFFOLD CHARLES, Reeding, builders, to surrender July 10, 25 : solicitors, Messrs. Hill and Belk, Throgrnorton Street ; Messrs. Weedon and SW. combe, Reading ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane. BLORTON, TuomAs JAMES, Piccadilly, wine-merchant, July 3, Aug. 7 : solicitor, Mr. Hare, Coleman Street ; official assignee, Mr. Aisager, Birchin Lane. CARTER, THOMAS, Bemers Street, apothecary, June 29, Aug. 7 : solicitor, Mr. Pocock, Bartholomew Close ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers. Cooe, Tuomes AQUILA, Robinhood Yard, Leather Lane, carver, July 3, Aug. 7 : soli. citor, Mr. Taylor, Moorgate Street; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. CORRALL, WILLIAM, and WHAM', GEORGE, Boston, potato-dealers, July 9, 29 : tor, Mr. Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham. Eva, Dates JAY, Redruth, baker, July 6, Aug. 4 : solicitors, Messrs. Coode and Co Bedford Row ; Messrs. Millet and Borlaae, Penzance ; Mr. Terrell, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hirtzell, Exeter. PULLER, Euz.serru, Harrow, baker, July 3, 31 : solicitor, Mr. Turner, Percy Street, Bedford Square ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers. HALL,' SAMUEL. Mancheater, comnaission-agent, July 8, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Ore. gory S. Co. Bedford Row ; Mr. Cooper, Manchester ; official aiLsIgnee, Pelt, Stanch HARPER, JOSEPH, Chancery Lane, commission-agent, July 3, 31 : solicitor, Horsley, Staple Inn; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall,Chambers.
HArrzasLze, GEORGE, Sheffield, stove-grate-manufacturer, July 3, 31 : solicitor* Tattersall, Great James St.; Broadbent, Sheffield ; official assignee, Freeman, Leed11. HOLMES, JOI1N, Sheffield, cutlery manufacturer,. July 3, 31: solicitors, Mr. Nixon.. Clifford's Inn; Mr. Binney, Sheffield ; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds. JOLLYPFE, JAMES EDWIN HUDSON, Westbury-upon-Trym, chemist, July?, Aug. 41. solicitor, Mr. Coles, Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
KENNETT, WILLIAM, and REYNOLDS, JOHN HAMMON, Lamb Street, SpItakelds, wax.. chandlers, Jane 29, Aug. 7: solicitor, Mr. Wheatley, Walbrook ; official assignee, Mr.. Graham, Coleman Street. KtaxasAm, Thomas CHARLES, and WILSON, WILLIAM, Liverpool, linendrapers, July 15, Aug. II: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Clay and Co; Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool. LONGFIELD, GEORGE, WINIGHVIDWICh, tailor, Julyl, Aug. '1: solicitor, Mr. Hodson Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. SCRoemers, WILLIAM, Liverpool, grocer, July 9, 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Corntliwaite and Co. Old Jewry ; Mr. Pemberton, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. Ounce, Samuel, Hyde, Cheshire, provision-dealer, July 16, 30: solicitors, Messrs. Bower and Son, Chancery Lane ; Mr. Brooks, Aahton-Under-Lyne ; omelet assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester. OSBORN, WILLIAM HESKIN, and BLACKBURN, HENRY WEBSTER, Bradford, Yorkshire., stock-brokers, July 6, 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Co. Old Fisk Street ; Mr. Morris, Bradford ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. PARTRIDGE Joan, Cheitenhatn, coal-merchant, July 7, Aug. 4: solicitor, Mr. Jessop, Cheltenham ; official assignee, 31r. Acraman, Bristol. PERRY, Ricaran, Leeds, hatter, July 6, 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Few and Co. Covent Garden; Messrs. Upton, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.
RAINS, Hearne' Newton, Cheshire, boiler-maker, July 7,281 solicitors, Messrs. Gree gory &Co. Bedford 110w; Mr. Law, Manchester ; official assignee, Putt, Manchester. Simms, JAMES CaAmass, Sheffield, pawnbroker, July 3, 31: solicitors, Mr. Tatters; hall, Great James Street, Bedford Row • Mr. Broadbent, Sheffield; Mr. Blackburn; Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Freeman, Leeds.
SMITH, NEVILLE, and Co. Fleet Street, printers, July 3, 31: solicitors, Messrs. Cross and Cross, Surrey Street, Strand ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. SMITH, STEPHEN, Bradfield, Berkshire, miller, July 1, Aug. 1: solicitors, Johnson and Co. Temple; Messrs. Cole and Co. Basingstoke; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street. TossLms, CHARLES, and Locx, WILLIAM, Henry Street East, Portland Town, plumbers, July 7, 23 : solicitor, Mr. Trutt, Crown Court, Threadneedle Street ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abehurch Lane. WILDY, ALFRED, Oxford Street, hatter. July 1, Aug. 1; solicitor, Mr. Low, Chancery Lane; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street. WILLIAMS, HENRY, Llanrwst, Denbighshire, apothecary, July 3, 31: solicitors, Messrs. Rower and Son, Chancery Lane; Mr. Hughes, Llaurwat ; official assignee, Mr.
Turner, Liverpool. • WOODBRIDGE, JAmes, Reading, saddler, July 8, Aug. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Badhans and Co. Gray's Inn ; Mr. Smith, Reading ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. DIVIDENDS. July 14, Latham, Dover, banker-July 17, Giro, Moorgate Street, merchant-July 14, Denew, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, auctioneer-July 16, Dixon, Long Lane, Bermondsey, currier-July 16, Perry, Newgate Market, meat-srdesman-July 21, Clay, Huddersfield, merchant-July 15, Taylor, Liverpool, merchant-July 15, Kelly, Chester, brewer-July 15, Kemp, Liverpool, merchant.
CERTIFICATES. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. •
July 15, Bartlett, Pall Mall East, bill-broker-July 17, Warriper, Lloyd's Coffeehouse, tavern-keeper-July 13, Blythe Chelmsford, grocer-July 15, Willis, Buckiersbury, eatinghouse-keeper -July 14, Nichol, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ship-broker--July 16, Walters, Bristol, victualler-July 17, Godfrey, Midsomer Norton, Somersetshire, linen- draper-July 14, Bacon, York, carpenter-July 15, 'Whitfield, Nottingham, lemonade- manufacturer-July 16, -irchall, Manchester, share-broker.
To be granted unkss cause be shown to the contrary or. or before July 14. Innell and Cookes, Little Queen Street, Holborn, varnish-manufacturers-Jackson, Liverpool, share-broker-Ewbank, Manchester, share-broker-Miller, Walbrook, mer- chant-Freem ' an Cheltenham, lodging-house-keeper-Askham, Bradford, Yorkshire, commIssion-agent--Lockwood, Blrslul, worsted-spinner-Whitelield, Bridgewatert
grocer-Howell, Queen's Head Passage, Ne meats Street, hobsl-keeper-Arkell, Stow- ots-the-rold, miller-Clark, Leeds, corn-factor--.Humphreys, Haymarket, hotel-keeper -Roe, Liverpool, goldsmith. DECLARATIONS Or DIVIDENDS.
Parnell, Manchester, laceman ; first dlv. of is. 3d. June 30, or any subsequent Tiles- day; Mr. Potts, Manchester-Ashworth and Keyworth, Manchester, brewers ; first div. of 3s., and first die. of 20s. on M. S. Keyworth's separate estate, June 30, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-A. and F. Atkinson, Newcasle-upon- Tyne, colour-manufacturers ; first and final thy. of 20s. on F. Atkinson's separate ciliate, and second div. of 4s. lerici, on A. Atkinson's separate estate. June 27, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley,STewcartle-upon-Tyne-Pulvertoft, Spalding, Iron- master ; div. of 7s. 24. June 18, and the three subsequent Thursdays; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Calthrop; Isleham, Suffolk, Iron-master ; div. of Is. 24. June 18, and the three subsequent Thursdays ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Attwater, Bevon- shire Street, Queen Square, dyer ; div. of 10I4. June 18, and three subsequenCThurs- days ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Frost, Great Tower Street, coffee-dealer ; dirt. of 20s. June 18, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard- Bonner, Spalding, scrivener; div. of 10d. June 18, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Pike. Great Bath Street, Coldhath Square, victualler ; first die. of 2s. 84. June 24, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Cotsworth, Salisbury, builder ; first clIv. of 10s. 24. June 24, and two subse- quent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry-Ryan, Chiswick, chemist; first dlv. of 3s. 104. June 24, and two subsequent Wednesdays ; Mr. Turquand, Oki Jewry- Kendall ; second div. of 17s. 64. June 27, or any subseqent Saturday ; Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. scores SEQUESTRATIONS.
HARVEY, R., Glasgow, tavern-keeper, June 26, July 17.
Nous, J., Glasgow, iron-merchant, June 30, July 21.
MILL, J., Edinburgh, wine-merchant. June 29, July 16.
POSTEOUS, T, Glasgow, leather-merchant, June 26, July 17.
SMEI.LIE or Smurae, W., Hazeldean, Lanarkshire, cattle-dealer, June 29, July 16.
SUTHERLAND, K., Helmsdale, fish-curer, June 27, July 17.
Woriteasinox, J., Airdrie, smith, June 30, July 21.
Friday, Jane 26.
S. and J. H. King, York, grocers-Short and Co. and Short and Alexander, Liverpool, /trip-chandlers-3MM and Mitchell, Manchester, tailors-Todd and Co. Preston, cot- ten-spinners ; as flu' as regards S. Cragg-Royle and Co. Eceleston, near St. Helens, flint-glass-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Rigbye and J. Morton-Austen and Cuthbert, Tunbridge Wells, milkmen-Broughton and Higgin, Chorlton-upon-3fedlock, pork-butchers-Pincoffs and Allies, Manchester, merchants-Swift and Hopkinson, Kelfibley, cotton-warp-dyers-Baily and Jackson, New Bond Street, cabinet-makers- Clarkson and Sharpe, Strand, grocers-Johnson and Greaves, Preston, teachers of music -Stevens and Fearon, Gray's Inn Square, attornies-Doherty and Co. Holland Street, Butlers-Ridgway and Co. New Zealand ; as far as regards T. J. Lowndes-Newman and Barclay, Watling Street, stationers-North and Brothers, Leeds, woolstaplers- Balarun and Hubert, Clapham, schoolmiltresses-Wescombe and Gower, Beath, mil- liners-Greenwood and Sou, Bradford, Yorkshire, machine-makers-Gaites and Cottle, Bath, masons-Carter and lid'ilugh, Bail:when Street, cloth-finishers-Pearson and Co. Leeds, wool-cleaners.
NEWTON, LANCELOT, Gutter Lane, warehouseman.
BEAST, ROBERT HAYWARD, Great Yarmouth, wine-merchant, to surrender July 3, Aug. 3: solicitor, Mr.'Penfold, Mecklenburgh Square ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
• Plan, Enos, Calverley, Yorkshire, grocer, July?, 30: solicitors, Messrs. Sudlow and CO. Chancery Lane ; Mr. Caries, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. Evens, SETH RICHARD, Coppice Row, beer-shopkeeper, July 3, Aug. 1: solicitors, Messrs. Cox and Stone, Poultry; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermaubury. HOBBS, FRANCIS; Rotnford, baker, July 2, Aug. 7: solicitor, Mr. Walker, Furnival's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.
Railcar, Thomas, Illnorles, draper, July 6, Aug. 4: solicitors, Messrs. Sole and Turner, Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard.
-31ortzr.; Amman, Domailups; Langliani Place, dentist, July 3, Aug. 8: solicitor, Mr. Spencer, Lincoln's Inn Fielda •:-thRofal itssignee, Mr. Penuell, Basinghall Street.
' $ouL,_Em; Tabernacle Walk; 'bookseller, July 3,-31: solieltor, Mr. Buchanan, Ba-
irall Street ; official asehgnee. Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. • &Darr, Jorts, Strewn, near .Keighley, worated-manufacturer, Jidy 7, 30: solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Co:-Bedford Row ; -Messrs. Harie and Co. LeWd ; official assignee, Mr.. You're, Leeds.
'IRANCVS, HESSIANS Jrrnitis,' and NAYLOR, JOHN, Leeds, share-brokers, July?, 30: so- Bettors, Messrs. Few and Co Henrietta Street; Covent Garden; Messrs. Upton, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. LONERG AN, WILLIAM, Liverpool, wine-merchant, July 15, Aug. II: solicitors, Messrs. Comthwaite and Co. Old Jewry; Mr. Pemberton, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr.
LYDDON, Joule SELLICE, Birkenhead, chemist, July 15, Aug. II: solicitors, Mr. Oliver, Old Jerry; Mr. Evans. Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
• Srommonsz, CHRISTOPHER Heavy, Newport, ship-broker, July 9, Aug. 13: solicitor, Mr. Philpots, Newport ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. Homan otherwise Hotrusm, Jossen, Leckhampton, Gloucestershire, grocer, July 10, Aug. 7: solicitors, Mr. Sheldon and Mr. Packwood, Cheltenham ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. lasemsnr, THOMAS PLUMLEY, Bristol, linendraper, July 9, Aug. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Prideaux, Bristol ; onicialassignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol. Hoaasynum, Wut.mara HENRY, Cardiff, draper, July 10, Aug. 18: solicitors, Messrs. Bevan, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.
PHILP, Janes, Bristol, wholesale stationer, July 9, Aug. 7: solicitors, Messrs. Britan and Son, Bristol ; official assignee, 'Mr. Hutton, Bristol.
July 21, Waters, Queen's Row, Phalle°, dealer in paintings-July 18, Perkins, North Place, Gray's Inn Road,Jeweller-July 17, Graham and Co., Cheapsidm'calloo-printere 21, Leather and Wardle, Leeds, earthenware-manufacturers-July 21, Bacon, York, carpenter-July 24, Gregson, Manchester, grocer-July 24, Massey, Manchester, grocer-July 6. Colliug,'Salford, common brewer-July 15, Wren, Preston, share-broker -July 20, Gales; Hylton, Durham, shipbull ter-July 20, Taylor, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, lithtiffer=july 20, Gowan and Shanks, Morpeth, Northumberland, common brewere- JuIV•20, Blacker, Stokesley, Yorkshire, flax-spinner-Jitly 20; Leech, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, ironmonger.
CERTIFICATES _ To be granted, unless cause be shown to Me contrary, on the day of meeting. July.20, Bradshaw, Gretton; Northamptonshire, cattle-salesman-July 20, Edmonds, Bluntisham, Huntingdonshire, apothecary-July 21, Hance, Liverpool, broker-July 21, Sanderson; Liverpool, wine-merehant-July 21, Wardle, Leeds, earthenware-manu- facturers-July 18, Bridgewood„ Castle Church, Staffordshire, buteher.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before July IL Stevens, Clement's Inn, builder- Smith, Maechtater, bill-broker -Radbono, Alcester, Warwickshire, broker-Rogers, Lewes, Sussex, draper-Broadhead and Halcro, Leeds, ahare-brokers-Crewdson, Liverpool, stock-broker-Grosvenor, Stoke-upon-Treut, Iron- founder-Morris, Manchester, auctioneer-Pickles. Barnsley, Yorkshire, linen-mann- facturer-Winifield, Rotherham, Yorkshire, common brewer-Stephenson, Collie, Lan- cashire, worsttal-manufactumr-Baron, Plymouth, money scrivener-Williams, Fen-. church,fitreet, merchant-Langley, Suffolk Place, Hackney Road, apothecary-Griffith and Pearson, New Bond Street, tailors.
DECLARATIONS OF DIVLDICKDa. Last, Birminghsm, general men:beet ; toad and [Mai div. of 1d, any Friday; Whitmore; Birmiugham--Curtis, Birminghtun, chandler ; second div. of Id., any Friday ; Whitmore, Birmingham-Newton, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, merchant ; first die. of
bd., any Thursday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambent Hammersmith, licensed vic- tualler; first 'die. of Els., any Thursday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Holland, Basted, Sussex, grocer: second div. of 4s. 64., any Thursday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chiturbers-Woollem, St. Alban*, silk-throwster ;second div. of Is. any Thursday ; Pennell, Guildhall Cirambers-liaselden, Bollon-le-Moors, cotton-spinner ; second My. of Sid., and first and seerind div. of 3s. 244. on new proofs, June 30, or any subsequent Tuesday; Fraser, Manchester-Waco and - Co.; Castle Street. Falcon Square, mer- chants, sixth div. June 27, and -IWO subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abehurch Lane-Amos, Kingsland Road, builder ; • first div. of 7d.; Julie 27, and two subsequent Saturdays; Gruhin; Abchurch Lane. -
Roan, TiloWes and dons, Glasgow, meretranta, July I, 24. tlexisser, Wurnthar, Edinburgh. wine-men:haute, June 30, July 28. . „ •