The Seashore Shown to the Children. By Janet Harvey Kelman. Described by Rev. Theodore Wood. With 48 Coloured Pictures. (T. C. and E. C. Jack. 2s. 6d. net.)—A visit to the seaside, so delightful to all children, may be made much more so by collecting and intelligently studying the fish, molluscs, sea-urchins, worms, corals, and sponges. The sea is full of wonderful and strange living creatures. Unfortunately most fathers and mothers are too ignorant to answer the intelligent questions which their children put to them. This excellent little book will be of use to parents, and for children it will make the rock-pools a hunting- ground from which they can learn some natural history which they will ever remember and enjoy. The text is very readable for little boys and girls, and the coloured plates are good and well chosen.