The Diary Of A Looker-on.
The Diary of a Looker - on. By C. Lewis Hind. (Eveleigh Nash. rya. 6d.)—The author explains that he republishes here contribu- tions made to various journals, &c., that these......
Highroads Of History.
Highroads of History. Vols. IV. and V. (T. Nelson and Sons. Vol. IV., Is. 6d.; Vol. V., is. 8d.) — These two volumes, belonging to the series "Highroads of History," take in......
The Land Of The Maple Leaf.
The Land of the Maple Leaf. By B. Stewart. (G. Routledge and Sons. 6s.)—" Canada as I Saw it" is Mr. Stewart's second title. The book is not written, he informs us, to please......
The World's Peoples.
The World's Peoples. By A. H. Keane, LL.D. (Hutchinson and Co. (is. net.)—Dr. Keane's theory of the origin of mankind admits of being very briefly stated. The common ancestor......
Reproductions From Illuminated Manuscripts.
Reproductions from Illuminated Manuscripts. (The British Museum.)—This is the third series of reproductions, and may he fairly said to rival its predecessors in interest. For......
Bengal Past And Present.
Bengal Past and Present. (Calcutta General Printing Company. Rs.2-8.)—This is the fifth number of the "Journal of the Calcutta Historical Society," a quarterly publication. The......
Greece And The ./egean Islands.
Greece and the Xgean Islands. By Philip Sanford Harden. (A. Constable and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Marden has written very pleasant and useful book. He is half ashamed to think......