Boys' Brigade Seaside Camps.
[To THE EDITOR OE THE " SPECTETOR."1 SIB, —For some years past you have kindly permitted us to appeal through your columns on behalf of the summer camps of the London Council of......
Rest-room For Girls At The Franco- British Exhibition.
[TO THE EDITOR or THE “ SP MOTATOH."] SIR,—The letter you were kind enough to publish asking for funds towards the upkeep of the rest-room has been generously responded to :—......
A National Church.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "ssiccveros."] SIR,—Your article on the Pan-Anglican Congress in last week's issue leaves nothing to be desired in nobility of senti- ment and liberality......
Village Church Teaching.
LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."f Sin,—At a time when London is full of Congresses we are looking to see where any useful information may be obtained which might help us in......
The Educational Ladder.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." I SIR,—Your article on "The Educational Ladder" in last week's issue is excellent. "We should like to see the length of school- time made much......
The Author Of " Cecilia De Noel."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR,—Many of your readers will learn with great regret that the author of "Cecilia de Noel" and" The Hotel d'Angleterre " passed away on......