Highroads of History. Vols. IV. and V. (T. Nelson and Sons. Vol. IV., Is. 6d.; Vol. V., is. 8d.)—These two volumes, belonging to the series "Highroads of History," take in English history (1) from the earliest times down to 1485, under the title of "Other Days and Other Ways," and (2) "Tudor and Stewart," the period 1485-1688. The story is told in a vigorous, picturesque way. The British household in the Copper Age, the over- running of the land by the English invaders from the East, the coming of the Danes and Normans, the institutions of chivalry, the beginnings of Parliament, the Hundred Years' War, and the civil strife of York and Lancaster are given in broad outline in Vol. IV. Illustrations from famous pictures, such as Stothard's "Canterbury Pilgrims," are added (possibly it would have been better if the old House of Parliament had been represented, and Tintern Abbey bad appeared in its glory, not in its decay). Then there are pieces of first-class poetry for recitation, and a " Summary of History, with Dates." Vol. V.
is put together in the same way. The task is more difficult, for questions which still burn occur, but it is handled with discretion and success.