It remains to be seen whether the Shah's coup d'
dal will be successful. He is no doubt to some extent an astute man, but he is believed to have very little personal courage, and to suffer from most of the weaknesses that belong to the degenerate type of Oriental despot, of which type be is indeed a characteristic example. He is generally reported to be detested by his quick-witted, if not over-manly, subjects, and it is therefore just possible that they may successfully resist his tyranny. At the same time, the coup cr etat may have cowed them so thoroughly that they will pass into a condition of sombre acquiescence, especially if he does not press them too hard in the matter of taxation. The only satisfactory element in the situation is the good understanding between
Russia and Britain. If that understanding had not taken place, or if the fanatics who tried to prevent the Revel meeting had been successful, and had managed to make the Russian Government believe that our protestations of amity were not genuine, the existing situation would have been a cause of very great anxiety. As it is, we need have little fear of diplomatic complications.