Portraits of the Archbishops of Canterbury. Edited by G. M.
Bevan. (A. R. Mowbray and Co. 3s. 6d. net)—The portraits proper are twenty-nine in number, ending with the great likeness of William Warham by Holbein,—what a marvellous work it is, as we compare it with the pictures, some of them of quite respectable merit, with which it is catalogued. Of Primates earlier than Warbam we get such memorials as there are, tombs, effigies, &c. There is a recumbent figure of Chicheley (1414-1443), which has very much the look of a portrait—no sculptor would have invented so homely a face. Thomas Arundel (1396-1414) is not so convincing, and Simon Langham (1366-1376) has a conventional look. The faces on seals are also, we presume, con- ventional. Miss Kelly has pat together a highly interesting series, very seasonable for the year of the Lambeth Conference.