[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—In your article, " Another Fiscal Campaign," you say, " We search vainly in the speeches of the Free Traders for any suggestion of how more revenue is to be raised." I cannot claim to speak for other Free Traders, indeed, .I was shouted down at the Caxton. Hall Conference when I said that a Tariff (for revenue or protection) was certain if we did not cut down expenditure.
But I see no difficulty in saving £30 millions out of the x£60
millions which we spend so wastefully on roads every year, At the same time I would raise at least £10 millions by increasing the licence duties paid for heavy commercial vehicles, as the Royal Commission on Transport recommended. There are other licence duties which might well be raised, e.g., for cinemas and tobacco shops.—I am, Sir, &c., 2 St. Peter's Terrace, Cambridge.