27 JUNE 1931, page 18

Points From Letters

PHARMACY AND POISONS BILL. • Although chemists very naturally dislike losing the monopoly they have enjoyed so long of selling poisons, they must realize that the situation has......

Pigs As Companions

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sue,—Those who have read Lockhart's Life of Scott will re- member a delightful description of a scene at Abbotsford in its Palmy days, when a......

Deductio Ad Absurdum.

The Law's Deductio ad Absurdum with regard to explosives found in a Gladstone bag reminds one of the story, told by Henry Leach in Fleet .Street from Within, of two New Zealand......

Freedom In Education

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I was much interested to read Mr. Russell's theories on education in your issue of June 13th, but remained unconvinced on certain points.......

Liverpool Shipping Week:- - -

It is proposed to hold a Shipping Week in Liverpool,: August 29th/September 5th, of this year, under the auspices of the municipalities of Merseyside and in co-operations with......

Time And Talents . Club.

May I appeal to those of your readers who are owners of gardens and lovers of children to send me. roses and flowers for a Buttonhole Sale to be held in aid of the Time and......

Electrification Of Railways

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In your issue of June 18th Mr. Leckie states that the only way by which the railways can hold their own is by greater speed, and he adds......

"humane " Furs . [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

SIR,—As so many people, at • present, seem unable to distin- guish humane furs from others, I send you. the, following list, under three headings, of those which may be......