Plato's Academy The Times Has Published Interesting...
excavations now being made, at an Athenian benefactor's expense, on the site of Plato's Academy at Athens. The philosopher, it will be remembered, was ransomed from slavery in......
Foot-and-mouth Disease We Greatly Regret A New And Severe...
of foot- and-mouth disease, widely spread- through the North of England and Scotland. The slaughtering and burning begin again after a long respite from those horrors. It is......
By-elections The Results Of Two Elections In Lancashire...
this week. The figures for the Ardwick Division of Manchester were as follows :- Mr. J. HENDERSON (Labour).. • • 15,294 Mr. S. L. Elbome (Conservative) • • 14,980 Labour......
Hours And Wages At Least One British Industry, That Of
engineering, has been able to adjust wages and working conditions without a stoppage. On Saturday, June 20th, the union leaders and employers reached agreement, and on Tuesday......
The New Austrian Cabinet The Austrian Cabinet Was...
June 20th, under Dr. Buresch, after the fall of Dr. Ender's Govern- ment on. the 17th. The parties supporting Dr. Buresch are, much the same as those which supported the last......
M. Fallieres The Third French Republic Owed Much To M.
Armand Fallieres, a foimer President, whose death on Monday, at the age of eighty-nine, we record with regret. He was one of . thos e provincial lawyers—he practised at Nerac in......
Rome . We Wish That We Could Chronicle , Any Advance
towards peace between the Vatican and the Italian Government. The Pope and Signor Mussolini, two very determined men, have different aims, radically different in some respects,......
Runnymede . It Is Good To Know That The Proposed
Egham by-pass is not to encroach on the historic Runnymede, which Lady Fairhaven and her sons gave in memory of her husband, the late Mr. Urban Broughton, to the National Trust......
Bank Rate 21 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.
on May 14th, 1931. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 1034; en Wednesday week, 102# ; a year ago, 1022; Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 971; on Wednesday week,......