27 JUNE 1931, Page 28

Current Literature

WOrld Disarmament, by Maurice Fanshawe (League of Nations Union, 2s. 6d.), is described in the sub-title as a handbook on the reduction and limitation of armaments. Considering its compass of one hundred and forty-three small pages, it fulfills its purpose creditably. In form it is a history of the subject as it has been dealt with by the League of Nations, with a small digression to cover the Kellogg Pact. There are a number of useful appendices, including the full text of the Draft Convention adopted by the Preparatory Commission last December. It is only with the help of some subh study as this that those who wish to follow and perhaps influence the course of events in the next few months, leading up to the Disarmament Conference next February, will be able to do so intelligently ; and the short foreword by Lord Cecil makes clear how important these months will be. In his epilogue Lord Cecil emphasizes one of the points which it is essential for people in Great Britain to see clearly, placing mutual assistance well in proportion to the whole question of security and peace.