"The Spectator" Crossword No. 183
[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery.]
2. Indifferent person borrowed from Italy.
9. Return to good sense. 14. Give this a handle then look out!
15. Pope and Swift were frequent visitors at this park In the Cotswolds. IS. rev. I study a statue.
20. Goes furtively.
23. Can I sleep In bed at night if disturbed ?
26. rev. Sociable insect ?
27. This is all right in America.
25. " So might I, standing on this pleasant . . . Have glimpses."
29. Pertaining to vinegar.
30. Railways certainly keep unstable animals, by the look of this I 34. Ilardolph always wore his-but not in his buttonhole!
35. "Dreams are each a world ; and ... , we know,
Arc a substantial world, both pure and good."
1. This person has little cause to blow his coloured wind instrument I
2. Person always in line feather!
3. Shakespeare URFA this character to satirize euphuism.
4. A sour colour Y 6. lier wits were " as mortal as an old man's life."
6. When this is abed it's reviled.
7. A sect.
8. rev. " How doth the little busy ... Improve each shining hour."
10. What is demonstrative abou 4 ?
11. ' A youth of labour with an age of . . . l" 12. rev. In 1.
13. This kind of a spring is like a letter of the alphabet.
10. rev. Playwrights cannot avoid a dis- play of temper when they snake this.
17. A living picture ?
19, rev. Umbelliferous plant.
20. Theatrical - even if unconnected with the theatre.
21. You will be able to finish the article -if you have the knack of it. 22. Carries off contents of bags ?
24. If it gets in after, it will be quite exhausted.
25. Be spoilt by wet.
31. There's nothing to it.
32. Makes a gal lawful. 83. rev. Part of a guinea.