27 MARCH 1936, page 32

Geographic Disarmament

By Major-General J. H. Marshall-Cornwall . . The title of this very opportune addition to the valuable series of monographs issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of......

Lake Tana And The Bluz Nile Major R. E. C Heesma N

Major Cheesman's 'reputation as a traVelleennd writer on travel has already_ been established by hit book In -Unknown Arabia. In Lake. Tana and the Blue Nile (Macmillan, 188.)......

Current Litefature

To compress a figure of Wordsworth's magnitude into as small a scope as this must have been very difficult-indeed, and Mr. Burra is to be congratulated on the adroitness with......

Can We Stay Out Of War?

By Philips Bradley This hook (New York W. W._ Norton, $2.75) is another instance of the deep interest the American people is taking in the chances of neutrality in a future War.......

Henry Of Navarre

By Marcelle Vioux • Those 'who, like Lytton Strachey, have helped to make historical biography readable have performed an important service to modern students, but they must......