27 MARCH 1936, page 26

St. William

William Randolph Hearst. By Mrs. Fremont, Older. With• a foreword by Fremont Older. (Appleton. 15s.) MR. HEARST is now over seventy ; he plays tennis ; he plays the lord of the......

Candide In India

Letters from India, 1829-1832. By Victor Jaquemont. Selected and Translated, with an Introduction, by Catherine Alison Phillips. (Macmillan. 21s.) THE author of these letters......

The Eloquence Of The Islander

The Last Landfall. By Denis Malone. (Geoffrey Bles. 108. 6d.) The Silver Fleece. By Robert Collis. (Nelson. 158.) EACH of these books is an autobiography of unusual interest.......