27 MAY 1837, Page 13



England ; With sketches of Society in the Metropolis. By I. fellimore Cooper, Esq. Author of The Pi:ot." In 3 vols. • Bestir y. Yorslss ANS TRAVIstA, The Eastern Seas; or Voyages and Adventures in the Indian Archipelago. in 1932- 32.34 ; comprising a Tour of the 1141111111 of Java. visits to Borneo. the Malay peninsula. Siam, See.; also no Account of the present slate of Singapore, With Obseremions on the Cotnniercial Resources of the Archipelago. Icy George Windsor Earl, M.R.A.S.., Allen and Cu. corrus,TIOX,

Shetch of Western Virginia; for the Use of British Settlers in that Country .. Suit.

ftlemoits of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Part, Vol III.

Murray, and Whittaker, London ; Cadell, Edinturjh.

herrn-muss. Colonel Crocket Cs Exploits and Adventures in Texas. Written by Himself. The Narrative brought down from the Death of Colonel Crockett to the Battle of 5uu Jaciiito. By an Eye.witness . Kennel. I'm to: coy. A Treatise on the Greek Expletive Particles. By Edward Stephens, M.A.. Exeter College, Oxford Taltugs.


Opinions of Lord Brougham, in Politics. 'Elieology, Law, Science, Education, Lite- rature, itze as exhibited in his Parliamentary and Legal Speeches. and NI iscel. la wants Writings. Culburn.