27 MAY 1837, page 6
On Thursday, Several Noblemen And Members Of Parliament,...
Lord Harewood, Lord Bradford, Mr. Dundas, Mr. Spiers, Mr. Clive, Lord Worsley, Mr. Lowther, Mr. Craven Berkeley - , Mr/ Buxton, Mr. Thomas Attwood, Mr. Scholefield, Colonel......
There Appears To Have Beers No Tory Thinner In The
Metropolis ; but the Reformers celebrated the day at the Horns Tavern, Kenning- ton. Mr. Clay, Mr. Hawes, Mr. D'Eyncourt, Mr. Sheil, Mr. Ewart, Mr. Wason, Mr. Villiers, Mr.......
Litfile Stirtropoitg.
Wednesday, the day on which the Princess Victoria completed her eighteenth year, was very generally kept as a festival in the Metropolis. Most of the great shops were closed the......