The Imprescriptible Right To Ch Urch-rates.
IN his speech on Church-rates, Sir FRANCIS Buenera. expressed his surprise that there could be " an immemorial and impreperiptilde right, with no means for obtaining that right.......
A Representative Of The People.
THE people of this country have been coming round to the old- fashioned and constitutional notion that the Commons House of Parliament ought to represent the Commons. But on......
Speak Out.
MR. BAINES, said Sir FRANCIS BURDETT, "does not carry all the Dissenters in his belly. The expression was coarse and charac- teristic, but implied a truth though it came from......
The General Assembly Of The Church Of Scotland.
IF it had been possible to reconcile an established church with freedom of thought, the Church of Scotland would have been a practical solution of the problem. A church-court in......