27 MAY 1837, Page 7


Extraordinary exertions were used by the stewards and sporting gentlemen to make the races at Epsom this year remarkably good ;

and as far as the running went, they succeeded. There were capital horses, and well-contested races ; but on Tuesday and Wednesday the company was not numerous. We notice, however, the familiar names of Rutland, Beaufort. Albemarle, Uxbridge, Anson, Grosvenor, Peel, Byng, Payne, Greville, Stanley, Stonehewer, and Cromuselm, which figure in every Epsom list. The winners on Tuesday were— The CRAVEN Stakes—Lord Suffield's Alfred, rode by Pavis.

The Stilltl.EY Stakes—Lora Exeter's Corban, rode by Connelly. The PRODUCE Match—Sir G. Heatheotes Tawney Owl ; (walked over.) The Scam,- Stakes—Mr. Edwards', Royal George, rode by Wright. The Ersost Stakes—Sir G. Ileathcott's Willesden, rode by Chapple.

On Wednesday,

The Ewnt.i. Stakes—won by Colonel Peel's Zenana, rode by Pavia. The CROVDoN Stakes—by Lord Exeter's Gauntlet, rode by Mann. The Surrou Stakes—by Colonel Peel's Clifton, rode by Pay's. The WOODCOTE Stakes—by the Duke of Rutland's Hawker filly, rode by


The Gosn Cur—by Captain Gardner's Magician, rode by Pavis.

The following also started, but were not plaeml—Cid. Peel's Fantastic, 3 years; Mr. Osbaldiston's bra c. Mie-Mile, 3 years ; Lord Chesterfield's Edgar, 3 years ; and Mr..

Brown's Cornborough, 3 years. 3 to 1 against Magician, 3 to 1 against Fantastic. and

4 to I against Edgar.

The running for the first mile was made by Edgar. Magician then took it up, fol-

lowed by Adrian and Mie-Mae. anal maintained it till near the Grand Stand. where Adrian began creeping up. A lira yards further he was at Magician's quarter, and a

striate or two from the chair at his head —a very severe race, ending in at dead best.

Mic-Mac was tai good that his owner decided on starting him for the Derby. The betting on the second heat was 2 tot on Magician. Adrian made all the running to the distance. where Magician challenged, and they ran abreast until within a stride or

two of the chair, where Magician made a desperate effort, and won by a neck, after one of the must interesting and closely-cuntested races ever seen on this or any other course.

On Thursday, the race for the Derby Stakes drew, as usual, an im- mense multitude to Epsom. The Grand Stand was crammed; and the ground thronged with a motley assemblage of Cocknies in carriages of every description, on almost as great a variety of quadrupeds, and on foot. Previously to the start, the betting was as follows-

? to 4 against Rat-trap (taken), ; to 2 against Caravan (taken). 11 to 2 against Mango. 6 to 1 against 11 ybiscut, 16 to 1 against Wisdom, 23 to 1 against Benedict, 30 to 1 against Dardanelles, 40 to 1 against Maltornetan, and 40 to I against Phosphorus; no others named. At one time 9 to 2 was taken about I I y lasellA. and :15 to 1 about Dardanelles. Very little a no said about Phosphorus, who a as known to be lame on Wednesday, the only doubt being, not s nether he would sin, but whether he would. run. Wiutonian did not start.

It will be seen that the odds against Phosphorus were forty to one now for the race-

" Only two false starts occurred ; at the third they went off in excellent order, Norgrore being tine only horse that dill not get na:ly with the nick (tad that this affeeted his chance, for his best friends do not venture to say he could have had env prospect of sums, had he been of first instead of last). Pocket Ilereules took the lead at first- rate speed, followed by Caravan, Phosphorus, Wisdom, Benedict, Rattrap Malamiedatt. and ?trickle Fell: the others, in Rh the exeeptu alluded to, being will laid up. 'fliey pieserved this order of miming at No great a vice that at the top of the hill the ragged welt- observed to drop oil; fat just:owe, Ciitie. Nurgiove, Spavina, and Sir Ficaletick were already heaten. rocket Ilmeolos maintaitwd the running a few stride* more, and then gain' up le e leo the parr, the tailing more rapid and derisive. l'husplun as now Iasi second, haring unit hien Wisdom, Maltometan,, 11 hkeos. Rat-trap, Benedict, I •ardotelles. aroI M awn,. they came in this cadet router the turn; oats ins theme as c!iati,i,e of Malaria till they icaelica the road, when Pho-phorns anal ('iltatail wore la 1'1,11 ; Ilic Ilitile a tee )ails, but flamiap was already an difficult y, inn in, butler plight. A distance and a hall Irian Louie. Plea:14,411, :1111i I oral away thee the leek, the forme' sill' a It itLng lead, but both lookilig I hat it in.e. umo.stblc to .y which had lilic beet of it. They continued so till lipala Clec!“iir, e tell Aril:10111g gallantly, Phos- phorus winning in the last two or three strides is halt in length, after a lace equal in interest and severity to the one I, Insect' and Ascot. Four or

1 live lengths behind the too were I % lawns, awl tardanelles,

each claiming to be third. There was Mai II on I Ile subject amongst the rookersmii, but it appe.itiol to us that Intl the best of it. Be- hind this lot, and well up wish them, were Mango, W isalien, Rat trap, and Benedict. These formed the first ruck of beaten I Anse: ; nest to them came Pocket I Icreules, and then the tail, of which Critic awl Norgrove sere the bed. The pace throughout was tremendous. Value of the stakes, subject to the deduction, 3,150/.; bey and this, this winning party are not supposed to have netted touch, th, horse's la mene4 liming in- duced them to lac off if they could. There is no reason to expect that the settling will be very heavy. It would have been otherwise had Caravan or either in the other fa- vourites sent his head in first."

So the official statement of the race is-

Tho DERBY Stakes of 5f)sovs. each, h. ft., for 3 %ears out cults, i.44.7lb.; and fillies, But. 21b. Last mile and a half. The owner of the second horse to receive Intl sues. out of the stakes, and the winner to pay WO sm. tOwattle the expenses of additional police officers. (131 Subscribers )

(G. Edwaills) (Pail's) 2

Lord Iterners's Plimphorns, by Lamplighter

Lord Suflield's Caravan, by Camel, out of Wings

That a horse lame on Wednesday should win the Derby on Thursday, seems to be almost miraculous; but we dare say that sundry lords, gen- tlemen, and jockies, understand perfectly well bow the lameness was occasioned, and how the recovery was effected. To them it must seem a very simple affair.

The other races on Thursday were— The ASIITEAD Stakes—won by Colonel Peel's Zenana, rode by Nat.

The Swssesrasr.s—by Captain Gardner'ssister to &liana, rude by Nat.

Yesterday, the attendance was respectable, but thin. The principal race, for the Oaks Stakes, did not excite much interest.

The OAKS were won by Mr. Powlett's filly by Priam, rode by Holmes, and beating Chapeau d'Espagne, Velure, and ten others. 'The stakes are worth. 2,3751. The betting was 7 to 1 against the winner, Chapeau being the favourite.

The DIESIBER'S Plate was won by Captain Gardner's Ethilda, rode by Nat. The DERBY and OAKS Plate—by Lord Exeter's Champion, rode by Alarm.