The proprietors of the London University College had a meeting
on Saturday, to choose Councillors for the ensuing year. Twenty-one gentlemen were proposed, of whom nineteen were to be elected. The two rejected were Colonel Jones and Dr. Fellowes. A conversation arose respecting the acceptance of Dr. Morrison's Chinese library, offered by the trustees on the condition of appointing a Professor of the Chinese Language, with a salary of 601. a year, for five years. Colonel Jones feared that the funds of the institution were not in a condition to justify the acceptance of the library on those terms ; but it does not appear that any decision was come to on the subject.
The Vestry of St. Marylebone on Saturday again postponed the payment of the demand for the County-rates, on the score that such rates are levied by an irresponsible Magistracy, who had refused to hear proof of the inutility and waste of the contemplated extraordinary out- lay by them of near 30,000/.