Meetings of the gentlemen interested in the charitable institutions of Dublin were held by adjournment in the Matisionbouse of that city on Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, for thepurpose of taking into consi- deration the experiment about to be made by Government for the relief of the poor in Ireland.' Resolutions were passed, approving of the principle of a Poor-law, but objecting to that provision of the bill which restricts the relief afforded to the workhouse. A resolution respecting the desirability of introducing a law of settlement was pro. posed, and the meeting again adjourned for its consideration.
The tithe campaign in the Dublin Court of Exchequer was reopened on Monday, the first day of Trinity Term ; when a " rebel," who was sixty years of age, was brought up and committed to prison, and several orders for inhibition of service, in consequence of the violence of the people to the process servers, were grunted.