Notwithstanding that tha settlement of the May Account has occur red in the course of the week, the business transacted in Consols, and generally in the English Fonds, has been unimportant. As usual, the Account-day was cha- racterised by a scarcity of stock, though not to the extent to which that scarcity has on some previous:occasions existed; the Continuation, or premium paid by the speculators for carrying over their stock till the 21st July, the period fixed for the settlement of the next Account, varied from A to h per cent. ; Cr in other words, the holders of stock were enabled to borrow money on it at a :rate of interest varying from h to lh per cent. per annum. The price for Account has declined about I per cent. this morning. The depression is attri- buted partly to an understanding that the King's health is in a very precarious state—portly to the revival of the old story of disputes with Russia on the worn•out st.bject of the Vixen. There is also a greater supply of stock to-day than on the Account. day the Continuation has slightly increased, and the holders of stack are giving a higher rate of interest than on Wednesday-3 per cent. being now the current rate. Exchequer Bills have been in demand, and the premium is from 3s. tubs. higher than last week. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stork has been again the subject of one of those sudden depressions to which this species of security has so frequently been subject. The closing price of Active Stock on Saturday afternoon, was 26; and on Monday morning, the first price at the opening of the market was 25; the price declined in the course of the day to 24h, and has since fallen to 231: the quotation of today may however be cited a per cent. above the lowest prier. This depression has been mainly produced by the movement of the Carlists, who by abandoning at the moment of attack the whole of their fortified line, and carrying the war into the country bordering upon the Ebro, have ',laved themselves much nearer to Madrid than the main hotly of the Christina forces.
The Portuguese Securities have fallen nearly 2 per cent., in consequence of the political change which has occurred in Lisbon. The arrangements, how- ever, for the Dividends upon the Bonds, will not, it is believed, be affected by these event..
The Dutch and other European Securities have not varied materially.
The Railway Shares are (with the exception of those of the Southampton and Greenwich, both of which still continue heavy) materially improved ; the London and Birmingha, a having risen the most. We are not aware of any sew feature in this undertaking to which the rise should be attributed ; but ace inclined to refer it to the cessation of those sales by which the market has been so long overborne.
The only fluctuation which has occurred this morning has been in Spanish Stock, which is d per cent. higher than yesterday, in consequence of a similar improvement having occurred in Paris on Thursday.
Railway Shares are rather lower : London sod Birmingham 41 to 43 prem. ; Great Western 1 to 2 prem.; Greenwich 4 to 3 die. ; Southampton 23 to 22 its.
3 per Cent. Console, sellers..
901 91 Danish 3 per Cents. 72 73 Ditto for Account, buyers.... 911 4 Dutch 21 per Cents 524 3 per educed 1391 90 Mexican 6 per Cent 231 New 31 per Cent Anus es.div 994 1 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts. 474 Bank Stock — Ditto 3 per Cent. 294 India Stuck — Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip .
504 2:chequer Itills 23 37pr
Prussian (1818) 5 per Cent .. —
Belgiau 5 per Cents es. div 1004 Russian (1822) 5 per Cent... 1084 Brazilian 5 per Cents 84 Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 231 24
iOrvica or Oftelf4NCR. May 22.-Corps of Royal Engineers-Gent. Cadet W. C. Menzies to be Second Lieut.; Gent. Cadet E. Reynolds to be ditto ; Gent. Cadet R. M. Lefton to be ditto.
Royal lieut. of Artillery-Gent. Cadet R. H. Crofton to he Second Lieut. t ice Rem romuted ; Gent, Cadet M. Smith. to be ditto, vice Mundy, promoted; Gent. Cadet W. J. P. Wade to be ditto, vice Fitzgerald, promoted.
WAR.OTEICE. May 26.-2d Regt. of Drag. Guards-Cornct J. Liiel,ty. from the Light Drags. IO be Cornet, vice Charlton, who reifies. 3.1 Reel. or Light DnIgs.- II. H. Bradshaw, Gent. to he Cornet, by purchase. vice I i I ..tu.say. app•oilit,ti to Ow 21 Drag. Guards; Veterinary Sing. G. Eakin, from the 7th Light 14.4,s. :o be Vet. Sum. vim Losses, dee. 7th Light Drags.-Cornet C. II. VS podium to he Lieut. by purchase, thee Daly, who retires; J. M. Hagan. Gent. to be Cornet by purchase. vice Wyndham ; G. Johnston. Gent. to be Vet. Sorg. vice Etilin, appointed to the 3.1 Light Drags._
be Comet by purchase. vice J. C. R. We„,'"!:': who retires: T. F. Poxell, Gent. to he
Cornet by purchase, vice. Yule. Scot* 'er 6.1.11I. Hawkins. who retires: Ensignit. and Copt. lion. C. B. Phipps to be Capt. awl Lieut. Cot. 1.y purchase.W!
and Lied. J. II. Wall to be Lieut. and pur.1looe. vies Phipps ; Don. J. C. P. Merl, y to he Ensign and Lieut. by purchase. ;tee Wall. 19iiiltegt. of Foot -EnsignJ. D. Simpson to be Lieut. by purchase,Freem in, oho . It. Sanders. Gent. to be Ensign by pnrchase, vice Simpson. 2oth -Major W. N• if utehinsou. from the 76th Regt. of Foot, to be Major. ire A. Fraser. who retires alma half pay Coat- Inched. 3ith Foot -B. Hooper. Gent to be Eusigo. by purchase, vice• who re- tires. 37th Foot-Gent. Cadet W. Hamilton. from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign. without purchase. 36th Foot-Lieut. W. Lacy to be Atljt. vice Campbell. who resigns the Ai.jiitancy only. 76th Foot-Major G. It. Dame!, nom the half-pay un- attached, to be Major, vice II utchinson, appuinted to the 53th It co. of Foot.
Brevet-Major G. H. Dansey. of the 76th Regt. of Foot. to be itt the