STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Airreanoon. The public have been enlightened this week with financial information on two points of interest ; first, by the Parliamentary debate on Monday being considered as conclusive that the loan system will be avoided, and secondly by the long-expected publication on Wednesday of the terms on which Ex- chequer Bills would be renewed. The bills dated in June, Oetober, Novem- ber, and December last year, wilLbe received for renewal up to three o'clock on the 2d June, or paid off on the 12th. The new bills will be issued on the 13th ; and will, with the whole amount now in circulation, bear interest at 2fd. per diem. Some dissatisfaction was expressed at an increase of only one farthing, because with this addition Exchequer Bills will only produce 31. 8s. 5d. per cent annually, or ls. more than Consols would pay at 89. The future value of these bills has been freely discussed, and comparison drawn between the present period and thirteen years ago, when they bore the same rate and commanded 158. premium. Consols were then about 90, and the Bank were charging the same interest that is now current. Looking at the present demand for money, the high rate of interest out of doors, and the probability of further increase in the Bank rate of discount, it is thought that Exchequer Bills will bear little or no premium. On the issue of the notice on Wednesday, they de, dined to 3 discount to par, but closed at par to 4 premium. The East India House gave notice at the same time, that the interest on India Bonds waa raised from 3/. 5s. to 4/. per cent, to commence from that day. These bonds, which were previously at 12 to 7 discount, advanced to par to 4 premium. The Funds have been firm this week. Consols ranged between 888- and 89i up to Wednesday afternoon when they left off at 88i 9. Yesterday they advanced t during the morning, as the news from Paris referred to ano- ther protocol having been agreed to by Austria,. Prussia, England, and France, on pacific grounds ; and when it transpired that no further increase had taken place in the Bank rate of discount, they reached 89a t. Austra- lian advices confirm previous accounts of increased success at the gold-dig- gings : this has assisted the rise in the Funds, coupled with accounts from pans that the proposed loan of 10,000,000/. was to be abandoned; substi- tuting 4,000,000/. of Treasury Bonds should new supplies be required. The French Funds have undergone few changes, and on the whole have been firm. The rates of exchange from the Continental cities have been favour- able. The demand for gold has been less, although several packets from the recent arrivals from Australia have been taken for transmission to the Con- tinent. The arrivals this week from Australia and New York have amounted to about 540,2001. Today the Funds have been 1 higher and Consols have been done at 90, owing to the report in Vienna that Austria and Prussia have sent a sum- icons to Russia to evacuate the Turkish territory. Console have since been at 891, and leave off 89,1 for Money and Account. Bank and India Stocks are 1 Utter this week. Exchequer Bills leave off at 1 4 premium. The ad- vertised bills are about 2s. below the others, as is. 9d. Income-tax will be deducted. Exchequer Bonds are dull at par 4 premium. Foreign Securities have been well maintained, bat the transactions have been limited. An improvement has occurred in the following--Belgian, 3; Brazilian, Danish Five, Dutch Two-and-a-half, Portuguese Four, Russian Five and Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Venezuela, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, 1; Ditto Deferred, and Certificates, 4. At the adjourned meeting of Mexican Bondholders, yesterday, Mr. S. L. Rickards was nominated as the new Commissioner in Mexico. A deputation had waited upon Lord Claren- don and the Mexican Minister with satisfactory results regarding assistance to Mr. Rickards in his mission. Railways have been firm, and a demand has existed, through the upward movement in Consols. This was more fully developed yesterday, when Lon- don and North-Western closed at 96f 71, and Great Western at 74 ; and the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase—Shrewsbury and Birmingham, 21.; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1/. 10s. ; South-Eastern, IL 58.; Cale- donian, Great Northern, Norfolk, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhamp- ton, IL; Great Western, 158.; Chester and Holyhead, East Lancashire, Lancashire and Yorkshire, London and South-Western, Midland, North British, and York, Newcastle and Berwick, 108.; London and North-West- ern, 68. Lancaster and Carlisle have declined 1/. The improvement in Foreign Shares has been—Paris and Orleans, IL; Northern of France, and Paris and Lyons, 158.; Paris and Strasbourg, 108. ; Namur and Liege' 58.. Luxembourg has declined 5s. Today the English lines have improved 10.9. in several cases; Foreign Shares have not altered.
The English Funds are very firm this morning, at an improvement of 1 per cent ; Consols are now 90 f for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 1 4 premium. The French Funds came nearly 1 better today. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 75,3971. In Foreign Stocks there is no alteration. Railways continue very strong • the present bargains are these—Great Western, 75 ; London and Blackwell, 81 London and North-Western Fifths, 11; North British, 334; North Stafforchhire, 13; South-Eastern, 63, 8 per Cent Consols 91.1
Ditto for Account 8 per Cent Reduced In per Cents I
,2 Annuities Stock 2046 Exchequer Bills 1 4 pm.
India Stock 234 7 Austrian 5 per Cents 77 82 Brazilian 5 per Cents 97 9 Belgian 41 per Cents 88 92 n 6 per Cents 100 2 Danish 5 per Cents 99 101
SATURDAY, Two o'Cnocit.
The English Funds have continued very buoyant, and Consols have been higher since the morning, having touch 901; they leave off 901 for Money and Account. Exchequer-Bills 14 premium. In Foreign Stocks an advance of 1 has oceurred in Dutch Two-and-a-half, Peruvian Four-and-a-half, and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents ; Buenos Ayres have been done at 551; Granada Deferred at 61; and Spanish Certificates at 41.
Railways have been in demand, and a large business has been executed at improved rates: these are the latest transactions—Aberdeen, 24; Caledonian, 574; Chester and Holyhead, 144; East Anglian, 16; Eastern Counties, 121 ; East Lancashire, 60k; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 56; Great Northern, 881 ; Ditto B Stock, 123; Great Western, 75; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 624; London and Blackwell, 81; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1021; Lon- don and North-Western, 984; Ditto Fifths, 11 ; Ditto 10/. Shares, M. and B. C., 1; London and South-Western, 784; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln- shire, ; Midland, 601; North British, 33; North Staffordshire, 13k; Scottish Midland, 54- South-Eastern, 624; South Wales, 341; Thames Haven Dock and Railway, 31; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 67; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase, 8; York and North Midland, 481; Northern and Eastern 5 per Cent, 56; London and South-Western, Converted Thirds, 74; Dutch Rhenish, 44; East Indian, 211; Northern of France, 334; Paris and Lyons, 27k; West Flanders, 31. Mines—Agua Fria, 14; Copiapo, 114; Santiago de Cuba, 34. Joint Stock Banks—Australasian, 784; Oriental Bank Corpora- tion, 47; Union of Australia, 71. Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 471; Crystal Palace,7 ; North British Australasian, 1; Peel River Land and Mineral, 5; Scottish Australasian Investment, 21.
Danish 3 per Cents 74 7 Dutch 21 per Cents 60 2 Ditto 4 per Cents 87 9 Mexican 3 per Cents 24-f 4 Peruvian 44 per Cents 62 4 Ditto 3 per Cents 44 6 Portuguese 4 per Cents 38 40 Russian 5 per Cents 95 7 Ditto 41 per Cents 82 4 Spanish 3 per Cents 39 40 Ditto Deferred 19 1 Sardinian 5 per Cents 82 4 Swedish 4 per Cents 84 8