27 MAY 1854, page 14

Military Costume And Syncope.

"Wiry is the British army put in the stocks ? " The question is at present mooted with great eagerness on one side, and answered not less peremptorily on the other—" Because it......

Notes And Qtierif.s.

Tin students of contemporary history are busy in an inqui7y, what Mr. Disraeli and Mr. Gladstone were talking-about in their ob- scure and partly allusive mention of" letters"......

Practical Hints On Parliamentary Business.

Tan array of statistics with which Sir John Pakington's Commit- tee preface their report on the transaction of business in the House of Commons does not as a whole bear with......

Fine Words.

Mn. DISRAELI has remarked that the vocabulary of Sir Robert Peel was neither rich nor rare ; and he appears to desire, by his own speeches in the House of Commons, to secure for......