27 MAY 1854, page 6


It is stated that Dr. Newman has been appointed Rector, and Dr. Leahy of Thurles Vice-Rector, of the New Roman Catholic University ; and that professorial chairs have been given......


The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland was opened on the 19th, with the usual formalities by Lord Belhaven, the Lord High Com- missioner. Dr. Grant, of St. i Mary';......

Iartigu Nub Crulutrial.

FRANCE.—The Ifoniteur of Wednesday published the text of the treaty concluded between England, France, and Turkey. The preamble states that the Emperor of the French and the......


The Peace Society held its thirty-eighth annual meeting on Wednes- day, in Finsbury Chapel, Moorfields; Mr. Charles Hindley M.P. in the chair. Mr. Hindley regretted, that after......

The Liberal Party In Hertfordshire Have Been Defeated By A

small majority, after a very severe contest. The polling took place on Monday. At nine o'clock, Mr. Puller, the Liberal candidate, headed the poll by 294 to 234, and at eleven......